Monday, May 26, 2014


It has been 10 years since the Bawdies appeared on the scene apparently how I know this is they have a best of coming out. You will see a lot of best of albums coming out this year from Asian groups as the music from the continent becomes popular. This is a great marketing Idea that way it gives people from the west the ability to catch up. I will now give you my review of the Bawdies Nice and slow.


 When I say music in this blog I am talking about everything not visually when I am reviewing, I will start with the vocals in the song no I am not talking about the introduction which sounds like an upbeat narration from a plasmatic album. I am talking about the vocals are done really well and they are mixed really well. The best way I could describe these vocals is they remind me of Blues travelers lead singer back in the nineties when they were popular. I really liked the vocals and I really liked the music but the vocals really are the key to the song. The vocals are very strong and powerful. The music is pretty much repetitive. It reminds me of the days in American music in the nineties when they were going back to sixty's sound. You see when music got louder through technology and the music got clearer so America dug up the sixties and we get the sound of some of the bands of the nineties. This song is pretty much a catchy riff played over and over again. The music is okay I love a good organ but not really anything new hear. The vocals are the most Impressive thing in this song and that is why you get the cut away from the music in the song.I listened to some boy bands from K-pop not even take that bold approach to harmonize they would not do it without their pitch correction T-pain app that is.This is a single and DVD and I like to really point out the Innovation from Japan to capitalize on the DVD music marketing and I am very disappointed in America for not following this great way of marketing music. When I was a kid I thought the traditional music album was going to go the way of the stone age and that there was going to be music video albums not live music video albums I thought that was how you would see music through the videos. It is hard to find videos you want to see on tv and that is why you watch all your videos on youtube. Now Japan has found ways to get people in their country to buy Music Video DVD's and I think America better think about this as well. I could see myself listening to this tune again


At first when I saw this video I thought we were going into a post apocalyptic world well in some cases we are. Rock N roll has been outlawed we figure this out by reading the headlines of the  newspaper and the musicians are forced into hiding. We see this sixties style Volkswagen van with the band inside it and this video I guess is homage to the british  invasion in the sixties when bands like the beatles did movies like Help. There is 60's British look in this video for instance the bobbys and the Old telephone Kiosks I guess that is what you call them. There is an Impressive shot where it looks like a Street lamp made out of paper in the front and a Brick wall background. Why is this impressive because it gives a feel that they are not just running around in front of the green screen although the shot probably had to be achieved through a green screen through editing though it would have to be layered correctly to give this Lamp in the front guy in the back not blurred and old film blur look in the back to obtain such a great visual. I do not know what they exactly did but it looks fantastic. We see the Band running from the Bobbys after they are found to have contraband and that contraband is music Instruments. They are eventually caught after a few slightly humorous attempt to hide from the law. They are brought before a judge and they play the evidence tagged Instruments before the judge or present their evidence and I guess to show that music is fun and we see the judge ripping up the paper because the musicians have played the evidence and Rock N Roll I guess is legal again after one court case the Law is repealed unfortunately we do not see the case challenged and challenged again in various courts but this is a music video not real life. If you are an Older person I guess this video might be nostalgic but to a younger person It might not see the beatles and the sixties but I do see what The BAwdies did to get more younger viewers. It does have that rebel feel to it you see because young people have to rebel against everything. Right now if you are a young person you are thinking about rebelling right now I told you to read this blog you would not do it. That is why you should not read this blog because I know if you're young you are going to read this blog. THe plot is really simple to follow in this video . It is easier to actually to follow than the new AkB48 single. I am still trying to figure out whether that girl was a dog or not. Finally the music is short and simple so ADHD minds are not bored. So with Nostalgia you get the old fogies and short simple music and plot to the video you get the ADHD youth hyped up on Ritalin O's now with pure sugar. There you have it. Do I like it? I can live with it.Again this is the youtube version not the DVD version so there might be more. THe narration at the end of the video is kind of dumb but it is a homage to the pacifism philosophy of the sixties that lasted about three years in America. The narration tells us we do not need to fight. I am sorry but sometimes we do need to fight and if you really believe in your music you do have to fight sometimes to get your music played and heard. Life is a fight. It is a fight to stay alive. Then there are always jerks who bully others and the only way to protect them is to fight. So the narration at the end is not that good in my opinion.


 The lyrics are pretty simple for instance words like we can take it nice and slow and the english is very clear in this and
 Love Won't Bring Me down 
Love can give me wings to fly,
 Come On Baby lets get high 

 Nothing really uniques but love is so good I get the message here.
The lyrics are in english so listen to the song and tell me what you think? Overall this is a catchy song. I really cannot complain about its catchiness it is pop. That is what Pop is supposed to do be catchy and I guess the message is positive. I would not say the message is truthful. I think love can feel like a steel knife sometimes because of its honesty and there is nothing wrong with that. I think some of us cannot handle love's true brutality of honesty. There you have it a cute catchy pop song. Enjoy!

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