Saturday, May 24, 2014

Coming Clean with relationships on youtube and facebook pt3 and Moving On!

I am going to finish this blog today not for the sake I am rehashing the past but it is something I want to post so if you have any questions you can go there. I have been quiet about a lot of things. I feel I think I know now I really need to let go of the past and not really dwell on it. I really want this blog for you to look at it as a way of understanding a lot of things. I try to tell people that what I was trying to do at the Toru Takanaru channel was something entertaining and it did bring me joy and I hope it brought a lot of people joy. I am disgusted at where people's minds are at today and how they think the worse of everything. I think when we get in this emotional relationship of oh I miss this person oh I wish this person would do this again. We end up losing focus on why we did what we did. When I started editing videos it was a challenge to see if I could make a better one. I eventually grew and asked myself what if I used my own footage?  You know what I did. I edited my own footage. I can boast now That I have videos that I actually shot with original Music and the Material is mine and I am proud. Does it get a lot of views? No for me to get views I have to do a cover song why because people naturally want familiarity. How many Dancers have you watched do the Danjo Dance? Why because you like Familiarity.  Groups that do have original songs have just been skimmed over why because it is not familiar to you. I will finish off this blog with facts about me.

1. I am not a Fanboy

 I detest that name I am an artist as George Lucas edited his own work I have been able to edit my own footage and it feels good. I edited other peoples videos mainly dancers to see if I could make a more entertaining video. There were dancers who could not even match audio at the time I started and I am not lying about this. You can not compare me to some of these guys who take footage and post as a supporter. I have been in the Lion's den with all of you. I filmed and edited dancers and we did do certain things I like and some I did not like as well but we just did not have enough time to do everything we were limited on time many times. The point is we did it and I was there  maybe it took a week for a video to be put together after editing and getting the right footage and shooting several times and then some talentless troll makes a stupid comment and they do not realize the time and energy we put into it . I am one of you not some creepy guy in Japan wanting to shower you with gifts just because you talk to me. I have put my time in dancing I had to succumb to defeat in a Dance contest with a dancer that was younger and better than me and that hurt. I always failed at slower tempos she knew this and she used it against me. I support you because I am a fellow artist as well. I know what you go through. I struggle just like you and I hope the next Collaboration will be the next best thing so I still keep looking. Finally I want to say it is not how cute you are or how skinny you are or fat or what color you are the first step to success is just showing up!

2. I wish these dancers got more views

 I wish I had more time with Alyssa what a great dancer she was. Awesome leader and I would made her my Dancing coach as well because she had experience and could coerce other young ladies into a formation if needed for any dance routine. She was not in the whole Social Media thing as was Kacy either she was another one that needed more views I think of Kacy more like family but she gets no mention because she was not on the social media scene. There was more important things in their life. I wished I had more time with Ella. There was so much confusion regarding that situation. I blame myself for not taking her more serious and I should've she was a great talent to work with. If I had not spread myself out so thin I could of focused more on her and should have. I hope she is doing well and apologies can not cover up the hurt I feel knowing I may never get to work with her again. Ella is a talented dancer. Cole had a great attitude and a good dancer and I wish her the best. Jasmine is a great vocalist and she was trying to work closely on her dances and Emi was a great cheerleader for us and a dancer as well. I might get to work with them again who knows I wish them the best. For those who listened to social media instead of getting to know me well Screw you! I mean seriously. I worked with over 30 dancers and If I did anything wrong I want to hear it from them. I made mistakes and they made mistakes we all are Human. I never had any desire to date a dancer I worked with. I look at every dancer as a potential client. We cannot be more than Professional with one another everything we talked about mostly were about what dances we could do or more views or about performing, the rest might be friendly chit chat and that is about it. Anyone who would date his client is a fool you will be blinded in your decision making. You should never be emotionally involved with your client. For a good relationship to last both parties must benefit. I wanted to benefit and profit from shows from selling singles Products and T-shirts and when I profit you should profit that is how it works.It has nothing to do with whether I want to sleep with you or not that will danger the relationship. For instance I have to think that every dancer might want to take their career further and in that process I may never see them again and if that happens I cannot be emotionally involved.If they do this in Japan then they are hurting themselves and the client. I am not someone who is wanting ownership like Pimp Daddy records or someone who would leave them out there in the cold without Instruction either. Who was the Dancer My Company picked over Yuka-pon well it was none other than BanzaiOtaku. She seemed more the fitting towards what we had in mind for the show. Who knew?

3. Time to move on

 The future looks bright today and it probably has been brighter for me before but I know why I did not see it . I held on to the past. The day I worked with the new dancer I should of forgot about the old dancer. Today I have a new person I want to work with and that person is me. He is talented and has the ability to make a video and has about 1,000 on youtube to show for it. My advice to blogger people who want to dwell on the past, those dancers are gone. The future is here and we have a new generation coming in.

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