Wednesday, May 28, 2014

G.NA - 예쁜 속옷 (G.NA's Secret) Review

  Why I am doing a review of G.NA's secret ? Well I read a review recently about this song and it was very good and a little harsh but it seems there is a little of this I do not know what would you call buzz about G.NA. It could be all created by the clever Korean music market but I thought hey now that I am an Official Asian Music Critic. I thought I would give a review and give my look at G.NA and see what the buzz is all about.


 Well we have the rap guy voice to tell everyone that G.NA is starting to sing at the beginning. This is of course to attract the American Audience. I think this is really getting old. It seems whenever we get a new Pop girl or girls on the scene we have to hear Yo Yo it's a Hot Korean girl singing. I do not need this. I get enough of this on American pop.
Its a good thing she is a Canadian with all
these boys this would be a Korean orgy!
 We have a nice piano riff in this song that you will hear throughout on this song. Is there anything special about this song ? No not really and I can see this song getting annoying after a while. The chorus is catchy but the verses really get tiring to me. There is a slowdown bridge in the song and the usual build up. I think you get a nice packaged pop song and that is about it. I do not see what the whole buzz about G.NA to get a lot of negativity. The thing I guess I see is she is not a full time pop star she is a model and actress as well and she is Canadian. I think that is what sperms the hate maybe people think she is not worthy of pop star status. I thought pop was is what is popular it is not a genre. Is G.NA's Secret just as good as what is out in the Korean Pop? Sure its I can not see how that one manufactured music is better than just another. You will always have a market for it.


The party is over there!
 Well apparently G.NA has a crush in this video and she is like all cute with all these cute girls. She decides to have a party and gives out Invitations to her party with a creepy Rabbit. She is too good to do it on her own where do you hire creepy rabbits to give out invitations anyway? GNA implies in the video that she is having a house party I better get Lingerie because that is what girls do when they have a house party they go out and buy lingerie. I guess one thing she is capitalizing on the name secret because get it Victoria Secret Lingerie don't you see the connection?Okay Lingerie/clothes guy creeps me out. Did he creep you out? He takes a peek of G.NA while she was trying on clothes and she bops him on the nose with the door of the dressing room. He deserved it maybe he will learn next time not to take a peek Hey man do not take advantage of your responsibility as the creepy clothes guy. Okay lets talk about sexiness for a moment. We have heard that Korean Girls cannot be sexy in the past or lets say present themselves as sexy that is very wrong to say of course they can be although that is what Hyuna does all the time she is a sex symbol from Korea and a singer. I think to you have to understand what is sexy in the west is not sexy in the east and that is something we forget. What a Korean or even Asian person finds sexy most of the time it is not what a westerner finds sexy and believe me I do not think Freud can explain it. It is just the way it is and do not have time to discuss the difference to you. It does feel wrong to be all innocent feeling and turn around and have sex appeal after all you have been led down the path of innocence in a music video and cuteness as well so I can see the hate for the video but as G.NA as an artist. I cannot hate she can sing,act and model. The dance looks easy to follow so it would not be a bad one to do or meme.Okay let me take time and do something I normally do not talk about I have watched a lot of Kpop videos. I know what is goofy and I know what is sexy supposed to be. I know Hyuna tries to be sexy and in my honest opinion, I laugh at her sexiness. Hyuna sexiness comes out funny and I enjoy watching her. Hyuna makes me laugh I love the Ice cream video the sexy parts do not appeal to me maybe they are for women but her parts are funny like running over the clown or her in the Ice cream shop. This video G.NA's Secret is like watching an adult woman acting like a teen ager she is an adult of 26 years having a crush. Is G.NA trying to talk to the teenage girl because I do not see a teenager here I see a woman. I know women and at 26 years of age do not act like children or well they should not they do not give notes that say check here if you like me. One thing on the teen age girl part , I do not remember in my years of teenage dating that when we went to a party as a teens ever hearing teenager girls go lingerie shopping because of a party. I can see sorority girls doing this at frat parties. I do not know this Video has some age issues big time.


EEk! A creepy Bunny!
My god, am i crazy? i’m only able to see only one place.
the lingerie store across the street
should i buy this, looking at it many times,
i get embarrassed
i think about it, try to look prettier for you
all this makes sense, I want to look prettier
for you
It is  a song basically about a girl or woman trying to look nice for a man.
Here is the rest of the lyrics

i think i’ve fallen into that sort of childish love
i think i’m crazy
i’m conscious of things that
i’ve never done before, never seen before
I keep looking into the mirror and fixing my make up,
it just doesn’t satisfy me
i want to look pretty to you
is this called love?

I am totally not going to watch you undress!
my god, am i crazy? my heart trembles so much
never knew i would be like this…
sometimes i wanna be sexy and noticeable to you
i think of you all day long
i think about it, try to look prettier for you
all this makes sense, I want to look prettier
for you
i think i’ve fallen into that sort ofchildish love
i think i’m crazy
i’m conscious of things that
i’ve never done before, never seen before
I keep looking into the mirror and fixing my make up,
it just doesn’t satisfy me
i want to look pretty to you
is this called love?
if you love me, act bravely
like in the movies, sometimes
walk up to me like a man and whisper at my ear
talking talking
so tell me what you want baby
Hey guys its a girl!
i think i’ve fallen into that sort of childish love
i think i’m crazy
i’m conscious of things that
i’ve never done before, never seen before
tell me your fantasy
i’m crazy about you
e hooyou hooyou hoo i’m crazy about you
e hooyou hooyou hoo
i want to look pretty for you
i want to get tipsy of love
is this love?
Love is summed up looking nice for your man what an awful concept.

 Summary and gripes

 I will just tell you G.NA you do not need this. You are an actress and a model and if you are forced to do this because of a contract we feel it in the video. I will say the lyrics are dumb as well I hope you did not write them. We know you can sing but after so many years maybe it is time to move away from the whole pop thing for you. Do more serious music because I think pop is not your thing. Korean dramas are big so why not more music around drama? I think this video ruined a good tune but with bad lyrics and a bad video you really get badness. I think that is something you need to think about. You are a beautiful woman and I know pop is about looks and all and 26 is not too old but I think because the years you have already put into pop music I think you need to take that experience and move on to other music taste and you are Canadian so you do have the west to help you.

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