Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Coming Clean About Relationships on Youtube and Facebook pt2

When we left off I was talking about having professional relationships with three young ladies Yuka, Sage and Anime Voice Kiddo. I remember those times. I remember talking to Sage all night in Facebook chat she was always a fun person and I believe she probably is. I hope the best for her and any man who falls in love her will be a lucky man as long as she stays grounded. I wish the best for Yuka and Anime Voice Kiddo I am just not that close to them emotionally. They are more private with their emotions and I think that it is a good thing and that is how I am sometimes. I know people can use your emotions against you. I wonder if there is enough material for a book on my relationships with social media regarding the Torus Takanaru Youtube channel. I think of my persona as Toru Takanaru on youtube as a different person. I always gave the advice to dancers to divide their dance persona from their real life Persona. You know divide the Schoolgirl from the Dancer.

 It is a good way to make your life more reasonable and know when to take breaks. Please Take a break from your dancer persona if it overwhelms you. I admit I have taken breaks from being Toru Takanaru the Youtube user when things were just crazy hectic. There were times I posted videos I edited I would put out fires online regarding relationships with other dancers with comments and virus problems and deal with comforting one of the many dancers because she was bullied and had meeting with dancers, Email Conventions about Performances and apply for panels and send out footage to groups and forums. There were weeks where stress could put you in a bad mood and one troll comment  could set you off. You who think this all fun in games it might seem fun but to a young girl whose goal to get to Seattle, or New York to do an Audition for maybe K-pop or those who are going to a contest in Japan, this is their life and you better take it serious if you want to help them. There are ways to make money in this and I have mentioned earlier and cannot figure out a good dancer working at piggly wiggly during the summer when she could teach girls J-pop dances or something J-pop related. That is a topic for another day now for the good stuff. I present for your enjoyment and for one time only or for whenever you want to look this blog up again

The people I Encountered as a youtube user.

1. The mother who thinks every man is out to get their daughter

 When I first got on facebook as a youtube user I of course sent out every friend request to every dancer I knew on youtube. It was not because I was a Fan. I really wanted to get more views and do not lie as a dancer you sent me a friend request to me as well because you wanted the views. I never looked at age when I first started out I do now, I remember the cutest little girl I think she was twelve she would say the cutest things on my channel and on my facebook. I do not know how you guys can keep from crying or feeling so wonderful when a kids draws you a picture? I do not know it is tough I had some memories of teens saying Toru Takanaru or drawing me pictures. I try my best to be understanding of parents. The toughest Job any one person is going to do is be a parent. People who think a Full Time Mom Job is not hard need to be slapped silly until their brains fall out. I have no Idea how my Mom and Dad reared me but they did and I am thankful for it.  When I had my channel out there for over a year I kind of stopped sending out friend request and if they sent me some I would accept if I can be friends with parents as well I will I have nothing to hide. When we had actual real dancers for the channel the friend request slowed down the best thing to do was to keep contact with the dancers I was working with not with new ones coming up every minute.There were dancers who could not wait to get on board we had one dancer who would let me know about every day that she was going to do a dance for us we knew the date and time and place and everything. The thing we didn't know is that her Mom had no idea. Again I did not look at age like I do now. Her mom went off on me on facebook like you would not believe and of Course I respect her decision it is her daughter. I let it go at the time. I did not let it go the second time another mother jumped all over me and I jumped at her back I explained first your daughter friended me, second do you even know what your daughter likes? I asked. Do you know That we are basically a Youtube Channel. You know what she respected me and I was friends with her daughter and the daughter became another dancer waiting in the bull pen to be filmed and become another dancer for the Toru Takanaru Channel. I think parents need to know what their kids are watching and doing and I feel comfortable when the Parents are more involved than not. The biggest thing is the Hypocrisy I see that is what makes me mad. I will give you an example there was an Amateaur porn star who was one of biggest supporters of Dancers on youtube now let me explain. She worked in The porn  Industry and she was a model for porn I read one of her blogs it was about porn. Now many of youtube Dancers are friends with Her, Now if your Mom and Dad knew that she was in Porn do you think they would be happy about it? The Mother goes through her daughters Facebook and sees this cute girl and thinks how cute and then sees me around the same age and sees that I am a male and has an Outright hissy! I do not care if you think Porn is good or Bad but I think A woman needs to graduate first and look at other options before she decides to start a life career of porn because one of the reasons you did not want me to friend your daughter was about something sexual wasn't? It was not that you were afraid I might reveal to your daughter about the origins of Elm Street. We live in the age where there are older women just as bad as the Male, a good example would be the excerpt from the Vagina Monologues which were based on actual events, in one part of the Vagina Monologues there is an older woman who seduces a Minor. It happens We had a youtuber come out how her teacher a female seduced her and made unwanted advances after she made the video others came out as well. Another Hypocrisy that I remember  is how the Twenty Something Dancer who was female and a mother of  a 15 year old dancer severed ties with the dancer who was twenty something and her daughter who was 15 because of age difference.  Everyone came to the older Dancer's defense now how many would come to the defense if she was male? I am going to take the Mothers side. Why? You might ask. Who do you think the older Dancer is dating 15 Year old Boys or Boys closer her age?. You see what I am talking about. We all think all Older Women are Innocent when we know they are capable of doing corrupt things. Drugs and Sexual perversions are not a great path to take and they can be introduced through males and females.

2. The Dancer who I like and Then disappears.

 Sometimes I wish I had a heart of stone but there is a literally beating and true heart inside of me to say that I do not get sad when a dancer stops talking to me for no apparent reason would be a lie. I have to be tough and go on I mean people are going to come and go in your life. I cannot stop death and I cannot stop people from growing up either it is natural. I feel the pain but I have to press on. I try my best not to present myself as an aggressive person because aggressive people seem desperate and overbearing. That is why I worked with so many Dancers that way if one was motivated I would go to them to help. Of course there was always that one who made me laugh or we seemed to have a connection. She would brighten your day when you received a Pm and then one day out of no where she vanishes without a reason or note or anything. I had a couple of dancers who gave me reasons to leave or depart and I respect Them for doing that. It is harder to lose somebody that you liked and then not know what happened to them but it happens then there are those who leaves after they get you excited that you are bringing another dancer in the group. There are so many questions I guess go through their minds. Who am I? or What am I ? Or Why am I really doing this? A true performer Performs they do not ask why, they just do and that is who I want be with professionally not someone who is seeking their origins. The best thing  is to leave the emotions out of it as long as I am creating something wonderful I will forget about the feelings I know this now and I think I have grown enough to know to forget what anyone thinks and just do . It is easier said than done. If the situations were different I would be back doing this whole  J-pop and K-pop Thing but they ar not so I do not worry but can you imagine the education I can bring this time I would be a force that has to be noticed?

3. Pervert.

 It does not matter what you do someone is going to think it is sexual in nature. There are people who get sexually turned on by people eating and people's smelly feet and I could go on but I really do not have the stomach for it. Everything you or even I do someone will find something dirty and for goodness sake do not blame yourself. There are people who got up this morning and thought a dirty thought . They constantly think about filthy and disgusting things. I love to create and if I constantly thought lewd and filthy thoughts there would be no way I could write this blog. I do not do things because of my sexual nature, I do things like most artist and I think it is a bit of a search for control, you create a world that you can control. I add more bass or add more keyboard or more vocals because I can and the technology is truly amazing and still impresses me today. I see a cute girl dancing I see beauty and I see God has created a beautiful creation and a way to express a great emotion is through dancing. I do not understand how in any man's mind that he would think a young girl is luring him in a sexual way that he feels the need to be sexually excited.There is so many porn fetish sites out there. Can you take a break? Let the girls and boys who dance to the music have this thing to themselves let them dance their fears and anxieties away and seriously you can go to your stupid porn sites. These people are so lame that they need to be hit over the head with a hammer. How can you look at lets say someone being cute like a young girl in a fluffy dress dancing to Te -Ye- Te as sexual in nature?  When I see someone Dancing to that song. I see Teddy Bears. I know about K-pop and Miley Cyrus using sex to sell that is not what I am talking about they think that is how you make money but if you look At  Avril Lavigne and Orange Caramel and even Crayon Pop going the way of girls just having fun and going this sort of goofy way makes me happy and when I want to be happy I can watch them I do not feel I need a shower afterwards. If your whole life is about sex and you are not making money off of it you are a sick individual. Life is not about sex. It is more about growth and you people that are a 40 years of age or older with the mentality of Beavis and Butthead need to check yourself or get help.

Okay that is three I have touched on. Who are the ones on social media that tick you off or make you laugh. Why don't you comment below!?

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