Saturday, May 31, 2014

炎亞綸 Aaron Yan + G.NA - 1/2 官方版 review

I think giving G.NA a really bad review after she received a bad one is not fun. I really wanted to like Secret but I have a different attitude regarding 1/2 which is a duet with Aaron Yan. I give what you have been waiting for the review of for 1/2 with Aaron Yan and G.NA.


 I had previously mentioned before that is talented she can sing and act and she is a model so saying that she is lacking in talent woul be ludicrous. She is filled with talent and she shows it here you have a nice pop song like I remember when I grew up listening to chinese pop when you watched those action movies back in the past they would have this kind of pop song back in those days when the movie was over when you would hear the song played like this while the credit rolled. It would make sense that this kind of song would remind me of those chinese pop songs well because Aaron Yan well is a Chinese pop star. The song has a good slow acoustic with a little slow analog beat. It has a nice catchy chorus and you will sing along eventually no matter what country you come from for a slow song I would not mind listening to this song again. I really could see this song used for a Chinese or even Korean drama. You know she is in the Hospital dying he is remembering the good times they had together so this song is played. You know we would see them eating Ice cream together or they are throwing water balloons at each other or they are tripping up rollerblade people in central park together oh wait that is one of my dates. Okay now I am getting all sick and mushy inside or is that the hash browns coming back up? Nothing really special about this song if you have a mate sure this might mean something so maybe a good song for them.There is nothing wrong with G.NA or Yan vocals here both sound good. I think they sound great together. It is hard for me to think that G.NA is a pop star after listening to this she does not need to be Hyuna she just could do this and I could see this working.


 I do not know if this song is called Drama or 1/2. I think it should be called Drama. I like this video. The whole commercial look calling drama a product oh a good analogy there. I know Drama sells because I have seen it in the youtube world creating drama works it gets views. In the song G.NA says I cannot read your mind and we all have been there and is this video saying to cut the drama in relationships and for us to show ourselves to each other well they could be? Well the thing I do not like in the video is the Analog screen in the background. It makes me think that I need to adjust my screen. I know its supposed to look cool but it fools the simple minded folks. The video is clever especially in a generation of commercial watching people. I think the bigger picture revolves around people in the spotlight and how too much fame and gossip can ruin relationship. I do not know if I blame people more who gossip or do I blame people more who believe the gossip without checking with the person as well that is what makes me disappointed with the human race. The video I think gets the point across and that is what is needed in a music video especially if you are trying for world appeal which is what these two artist are trying to do. Yes there is some creativity with the whole television look and cheesy commercial looks. AT the beginning we get a photo ready made opportunity with G.NA and YAn like they are about to star in a Drama and the whole Yan holding a lipstick like a girl looks kind of weird like a girl should of done that I do not know why not have G.NA do the lipstick thing and have Yan sing to the screen. I am just giving you some advice Yan's outfit could be less Flamboyant in this . G.NA looks like she just showed up in her own wardrobe. How come her outfit did not match the wall and Yan's did come on help me out here?


Have not found another gentle half 
At this distance in the eyes
I don’t want to lose your love
 No matter how I try,I just can’t really read your mind
Have you ever loved me you loved me Oh baby
 Okay so these people like each other and have a special connection. Okay here are the rest of the lyrics.

A: Both I too fail to say half of the commitment of each

A: Let me surrender all romantics for you

G: Could you be the one I'm waiting for?

G: From the day I met you I lose myself in you completely

A: half half mature naive in my heart

G: I really want to know, I really want to know
A: half warm half cold look in your eyes
G: Let me look at one I wanna feel your true love

A: have not found another gentle half
A: At this distance in the eyes
A: I don't want to lose your love
G: No matter how I try, I just can't really read your mind
G: Have you ever loved me you loved me Oh baby

A: When I had forgotten that happiness is you remind me smile
A: I want to see their original contours
G: You're the one I have been waiting for
G: When you stay at my side I see the brightest stars in the sky

A: half half mature naive in my heart
G: I really want to know, I really want to know
A: half warm half cold look in your eyes
G: Let me look at one I wanna feel your true love

A: have not found another gentle half
A: At this distance in the eyes
A: I don't want to lose your love
G: No matter how I try, I just can't really read your mind
G: Have you ever loved me you loved me Oh baby

A: You make that half of my back which I half
G: For all the times that I felt I've been all alone
G: Cause love takes two, you better show me your heart, baby

A: have not found another gentle half
A: At this distance in the eyes
A: I don't want to lose your love
G: No matter how I try, I just can't really read your mind

This is not a bad song or badly written so it gives me a good look where I think G.NA needs to stay and as far as Aaron YAN you are a pop star and keep at it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

G.NA - 예쁜 속옷 (G.NA's Secret) Review

  Why I am doing a review of G.NA's secret ? Well I read a review recently about this song and it was very good and a little harsh but it seems there is a little of this I do not know what would you call buzz about G.NA. It could be all created by the clever Korean music market but I thought hey now that I am an Official Asian Music Critic. I thought I would give a review and give my look at G.NA and see what the buzz is all about.


 Well we have the rap guy voice to tell everyone that G.NA is starting to sing at the beginning. This is of course to attract the American Audience. I think this is really getting old. It seems whenever we get a new Pop girl or girls on the scene we have to hear Yo Yo it's a Hot Korean girl singing. I do not need this. I get enough of this on American pop.
Its a good thing she is a Canadian with all
these boys this would be a Korean orgy!
 We have a nice piano riff in this song that you will hear throughout on this song. Is there anything special about this song ? No not really and I can see this song getting annoying after a while. The chorus is catchy but the verses really get tiring to me. There is a slowdown bridge in the song and the usual build up. I think you get a nice packaged pop song and that is about it. I do not see what the whole buzz about G.NA to get a lot of negativity. The thing I guess I see is she is not a full time pop star she is a model and actress as well and she is Canadian. I think that is what sperms the hate maybe people think she is not worthy of pop star status. I thought pop was is what is popular it is not a genre. Is G.NA's Secret just as good as what is out in the Korean Pop? Sure its I can not see how that one manufactured music is better than just another. You will always have a market for it.


The party is over there!
 Well apparently G.NA has a crush in this video and she is like all cute with all these cute girls. She decides to have a party and gives out Invitations to her party with a creepy Rabbit. She is too good to do it on her own where do you hire creepy rabbits to give out invitations anyway? GNA implies in the video that she is having a house party I better get Lingerie because that is what girls do when they have a house party they go out and buy lingerie. I guess one thing she is capitalizing on the name secret because get it Victoria Secret Lingerie don't you see the connection?Okay Lingerie/clothes guy creeps me out. Did he creep you out? He takes a peek of G.NA while she was trying on clothes and she bops him on the nose with the door of the dressing room. He deserved it maybe he will learn next time not to take a peek Hey man do not take advantage of your responsibility as the creepy clothes guy. Okay lets talk about sexiness for a moment. We have heard that Korean Girls cannot be sexy in the past or lets say present themselves as sexy that is very wrong to say of course they can be although that is what Hyuna does all the time she is a sex symbol from Korea and a singer. I think to you have to understand what is sexy in the west is not sexy in the east and that is something we forget. What a Korean or even Asian person finds sexy most of the time it is not what a westerner finds sexy and believe me I do not think Freud can explain it. It is just the way it is and do not have time to discuss the difference to you. It does feel wrong to be all innocent feeling and turn around and have sex appeal after all you have been led down the path of innocence in a music video and cuteness as well so I can see the hate for the video but as G.NA as an artist. I cannot hate she can sing,act and model. The dance looks easy to follow so it would not be a bad one to do or meme.Okay let me take time and do something I normally do not talk about I have watched a lot of Kpop videos. I know what is goofy and I know what is sexy supposed to be. I know Hyuna tries to be sexy and in my honest opinion, I laugh at her sexiness. Hyuna sexiness comes out funny and I enjoy watching her. Hyuna makes me laugh I love the Ice cream video the sexy parts do not appeal to me maybe they are for women but her parts are funny like running over the clown or her in the Ice cream shop. This video G.NA's Secret is like watching an adult woman acting like a teen ager she is an adult of 26 years having a crush. Is G.NA trying to talk to the teenage girl because I do not see a teenager here I see a woman. I know women and at 26 years of age do not act like children or well they should not they do not give notes that say check here if you like me. One thing on the teen age girl part , I do not remember in my years of teenage dating that when we went to a party as a teens ever hearing teenager girls go lingerie shopping because of a party. I can see sorority girls doing this at frat parties. I do not know this Video has some age issues big time.


EEk! A creepy Bunny!
My god, am i crazy? i’m only able to see only one place.
the lingerie store across the street
should i buy this, looking at it many times,
i get embarrassed
i think about it, try to look prettier for you
all this makes sense, I want to look prettier
for you
It is  a song basically about a girl or woman trying to look nice for a man.
Here is the rest of the lyrics

i think i’ve fallen into that sort of childish love
i think i’m crazy
i’m conscious of things that
i’ve never done before, never seen before
I keep looking into the mirror and fixing my make up,
it just doesn’t satisfy me
i want to look pretty to you
is this called love?

I am totally not going to watch you undress!
my god, am i crazy? my heart trembles so much
never knew i would be like this…
sometimes i wanna be sexy and noticeable to you
i think of you all day long
i think about it, try to look prettier for you
all this makes sense, I want to look prettier
for you
i think i’ve fallen into that sort ofchildish love
i think i’m crazy
i’m conscious of things that
i’ve never done before, never seen before
I keep looking into the mirror and fixing my make up,
it just doesn’t satisfy me
i want to look pretty to you
is this called love?
if you love me, act bravely
like in the movies, sometimes
walk up to me like a man and whisper at my ear
talking talking
so tell me what you want baby
Hey guys its a girl!
i think i’ve fallen into that sort of childish love
i think i’m crazy
i’m conscious of things that
i’ve never done before, never seen before
tell me your fantasy
i’m crazy about you
e hooyou hooyou hoo i’m crazy about you
e hooyou hooyou hoo
i want to look pretty for you
i want to get tipsy of love
is this love?
Love is summed up looking nice for your man what an awful concept.

 Summary and gripes

 I will just tell you G.NA you do not need this. You are an actress and a model and if you are forced to do this because of a contract we feel it in the video. I will say the lyrics are dumb as well I hope you did not write them. We know you can sing but after so many years maybe it is time to move away from the whole pop thing for you. Do more serious music because I think pop is not your thing. Korean dramas are big so why not more music around drama? I think this video ruined a good tune but with bad lyrics and a bad video you really get badness. I think that is something you need to think about. You are a beautiful woman and I know pop is about looks and all and 26 is not too old but I think because the years you have already put into pop music I think you need to take that experience and move on to other music taste and you are Canadian so you do have the west to help you.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

빅스(VIXX) - 기적 (ETERNITY) Review

Is it Reverse?
If anyone knows me, they know that I am a Heavy metal person especially a Tech and Industrial guy it is the Music I play and love. I expect more of that style being popular later. Japan has done a good job in making that music worthy. I think one of the biggest stereotypes of men is that all men hate boy bands. Hey if that was true there would not be boy bands. I have a lot of respect for these guys who have to stay clean and dance and keep their hair looking good that takes a lot of work. I have been impressed with a lot of tunes that the Korean boy bands come out with they are strong sounding and tough and of course there is always a girl involved to be won mostly you the fan. When you are a Boy Band it takes time and good choreography lessons and in some cases actually the ability to hit the note correctly and I feel it here with Vixx so good job guys. Now I give you what you are waiting for the Brand new Single from VIXX which is (Eternity).


Don't ever leave Me Please!!!
 Of course you get the slow start you have to have so the girl knows that you are serious. You know this is a song for you baby. After the singer talks to us we have a nice little techno beat that picks up the song. We have a vocal pass around to let us know that we have some good vocalist. We end up getting stronger into a chorus with a nice distorted Saw which sounds good. I love a good distorted club type keyboard saw sound it is the closest thing to the sound of a distorted guitar like you hear in a Rock Song. We have some rapping here and some good ole fashioned woe Ohh type strong background singing so it is very important to the song and really sounds good. It is a pop song but it is catchy and upbeat. Is there anything unique? I cannot catch it here right now but no not really. It is the feel of the backstreet boys in the nineties but it is fun. I eventually found myself singing along to this song.


Girlfriend let me tell you
 Okay so we have a guy starting out caressing a girl in bed. I guess we are singing about her. We have an old clock tower background and in some cases clocks in the background. This Music video reminds me a lot of the Backstreet boys earlier videos. The video I remember was called Everybody and it had a sort of  a gothic feel about it like this video. I went back to look and there is more colors in the Backstreet Boys videos. I have no idea why this videos does remind me of that but it does. The opening choreography by VIXX is unique and I will say why because it looks like a reversed effect if is reversed that is not too impressive because you can have the guys go forward and then reverse the effect but if it is not reversed then this is impressive and one way we can find out is if they did reverse or not is if they do the same thing live on stage. Okay like I said they are in a clock tower we go back to boy and girl and he is painting her a picture now. Instead of the same six guys creepy singing to one woman we have a couple a female and a male to look at. One guy lets call him reddish haired guy and girl because she is the only girl in the video okay lets make this simple he is ginger and she is girl so we have ginger and girl. The reason I am telling you this is because of south Korean censors.A boy band cannot sing to multiple girls it is less creepy in South Korea that they sing to one girl not six guys singing to six girls because I guess that would count as a down and out orgy I guess I do not know. So we are passing the song vocally to each guy to let us know "hey each guy can sing." We see more of ginger and girl. We cut back to the band.The Flamboyant and charismatic blonde member looks like he is telling one of the members a secret I do not know but it looks like something else is going on that is all I know. I am not saying that there is something going on but it has nothing to do with racquetball.
You are not going to draw me with a Big head
 We get into strong movements in the dance very spectacular to look at except the hip motion which is too girly for my taste.When it comes to dancing this is where I like the boy bands better than the girl bands sometimes because the boys seem to put more energy into it. So girls you need to try to keep up. There is some silly repetitive dance movements such as the traditional clock arm movements and that type of thing but this is a song about time hence the clocks and the girl is in a relationship with someone so these guys could be singing about the past relationship with the girl hence the whole time thing. Now we get creepy again all the guys are singing to her there is a blue haired member in the band I think she likes him the best. We see that ginger we talked about earlier is the baby of the band he has the baby voice and is the baby member. There is some neat Lightning effects because flaming guy is like thor I do not know but it is cool. Okay later we see the girl disappear and in her painting as well so we get that she is gone now in the present VIXX world. She has been abducted by Aliens or they broke up or she died but she is gone and we see the band is sad. I do not hate this video I kind of like it. I really like the flashing effects but I am a Flashy kind of guy just not as flashy as Blonde boy from VIXX.


Surprise I am a member of a boy band
(9 Warning these lyrics are Freshly translated but give us a slight look at what they are trying to say)
Miracle was coming to me
We started from scratch became
All yours
Yeah , I got myself all knowing
( Cold ) It's just the feeling
( Strange ) that I do not care
( Thank you ) so I'll come back to me as the one.

I do not love ?
 This lets us know that of the couples history. THe Lyrics get interesting here check them out.
Awesome and had a nightmare too horrible
Took me just leave you forever
You should not hear the end of dream.
I think I would lose you

Do only one initial drop Dao
No I'm not I'll have
Now I 'll take you all minor
I do not love ?
Some of this makes sense I think what they are trying to say is that he had a nightmare about losing her. I like this . It shows me the real fear a man fears about his lover and I feel it in these lyrics. Good job in expressing that.
You suddenly blurred
( Does not say anything I)
Now the fear of snow float
( You want to go to sleep again, and below)
The relationship ended too quickly. A lot of repetition follows afterwards here is the fresh translation see if you can figure it out. I have a pretty good Idea what they are talking about let see if you can.

Miracle was coming to me
We started from scratch became
With more practice you can Play Chopstick as well as you eat with them
All your
Yeah , I got myself all knowing

( Cold ) It's just the feeling
( Strange ) that I do not care
( Thank you ) so I'll come back to me is the one.
I do not love ?
Biggs (VIXX) Miracles (Eternity) Lyrics

Awesome and had a nightmare too horrible
Took me just leave you forever
You should not hear the end of dream.
T think I would lose you

Do only one initial drop Dao
No I'm not I'll have
Now I 'll take you all minor
I do not love ?

Awesome and had a nightmare too horrible
Took me just leave you forever
You should not hear the end of dream.
T think I would lose you

I hate you , even in my dreams I left my reflection
If you were by my side , but I like a nightmare , even

You suddenly blurred
( Does not say anything I)
Now the fear of snow float
I am Thor the Queen
( You want to go to sleep again, and below)

In reality you're not going to dream away
Turning round again like a Mobius strip , as the two of us
You're also going to leave me again
As soon as your arm hold dwidol
I go stand temyeon excited to go towards
Right now my heart go stepping away

Sweet and had a nightmare too horrible
We started everything punctuated
Everything 's just like you're not here
The moment you left that day dream

Find me a brutal night coming kkeuteop
Close your eyes again to see me again that dreams

Not break again by the eternal dream
 Overall not a bad song let me know what you think in the comments you can join me on facebook or twitter all you have to do is google Toru Takanuru.  

Monday, May 26, 2014


It has been 10 years since the Bawdies appeared on the scene apparently how I know this is they have a best of coming out. You will see a lot of best of albums coming out this year from Asian groups as the music from the continent becomes popular. This is a great marketing Idea that way it gives people from the west the ability to catch up. I will now give you my review of the Bawdies Nice and slow.


 When I say music in this blog I am talking about everything not visually when I am reviewing, I will start with the vocals in the song no I am not talking about the introduction which sounds like an upbeat narration from a plasmatic album. I am talking about the vocals are done really well and they are mixed really well. The best way I could describe these vocals is they remind me of Blues travelers lead singer back in the nineties when they were popular. I really liked the vocals and I really liked the music but the vocals really are the key to the song. The vocals are very strong and powerful. The music is pretty much repetitive. It reminds me of the days in American music in the nineties when they were going back to sixty's sound. You see when music got louder through technology and the music got clearer so America dug up the sixties and we get the sound of some of the bands of the nineties. This song is pretty much a catchy riff played over and over again. The music is okay I love a good organ but not really anything new hear. The vocals are the most Impressive thing in this song and that is why you get the cut away from the music in the song.I listened to some boy bands from K-pop not even take that bold approach to harmonize they would not do it without their pitch correction T-pain app that is.This is a single and DVD and I like to really point out the Innovation from Japan to capitalize on the DVD music marketing and I am very disappointed in America for not following this great way of marketing music. When I was a kid I thought the traditional music album was going to go the way of the stone age and that there was going to be music video albums not live music video albums I thought that was how you would see music through the videos. It is hard to find videos you want to see on tv and that is why you watch all your videos on youtube. Now Japan has found ways to get people in their country to buy Music Video DVD's and I think America better think about this as well. I could see myself listening to this tune again


At first when I saw this video I thought we were going into a post apocalyptic world well in some cases we are. Rock N roll has been outlawed we figure this out by reading the headlines of the  newspaper and the musicians are forced into hiding. We see this sixties style Volkswagen van with the band inside it and this video I guess is homage to the british  invasion in the sixties when bands like the beatles did movies like Help. There is 60's British look in this video for instance the bobbys and the Old telephone Kiosks I guess that is what you call them. There is an Impressive shot where it looks like a Street lamp made out of paper in the front and a Brick wall background. Why is this impressive because it gives a feel that they are not just running around in front of the green screen although the shot probably had to be achieved through a green screen through editing though it would have to be layered correctly to give this Lamp in the front guy in the back not blurred and old film blur look in the back to obtain such a great visual. I do not know what they exactly did but it looks fantastic. We see the Band running from the Bobbys after they are found to have contraband and that contraband is music Instruments. They are eventually caught after a few slightly humorous attempt to hide from the law. They are brought before a judge and they play the evidence tagged Instruments before the judge or present their evidence and I guess to show that music is fun and we see the judge ripping up the paper because the musicians have played the evidence and Rock N Roll I guess is legal again after one court case the Law is repealed unfortunately we do not see the case challenged and challenged again in various courts but this is a music video not real life. If you are an Older person I guess this video might be nostalgic but to a younger person It might not see the beatles and the sixties but I do see what The BAwdies did to get more younger viewers. It does have that rebel feel to it you see because young people have to rebel against everything. Right now if you are a young person you are thinking about rebelling right now I told you to read this blog you would not do it. That is why you should not read this blog because I know if you're young you are going to read this blog. THe plot is really simple to follow in this video . It is easier to actually to follow than the new AkB48 single. I am still trying to figure out whether that girl was a dog or not. Finally the music is short and simple so ADHD minds are not bored. So with Nostalgia you get the old fogies and short simple music and plot to the video you get the ADHD youth hyped up on Ritalin O's now with pure sugar. There you have it. Do I like it? I can live with it.Again this is the youtube version not the DVD version so there might be more. THe narration at the end of the video is kind of dumb but it is a homage to the pacifism philosophy of the sixties that lasted about three years in America. The narration tells us we do not need to fight. I am sorry but sometimes we do need to fight and if you really believe in your music you do have to fight sometimes to get your music played and heard. Life is a fight. It is a fight to stay alive. Then there are always jerks who bully others and the only way to protect them is to fight. So the narration at the end is not that good in my opinion.


 The lyrics are pretty simple for instance words like we can take it nice and slow and the english is very clear in this and
 Love Won't Bring Me down 
Love can give me wings to fly,
 Come On Baby lets get high 

 Nothing really uniques but love is so good I get the message here.
The lyrics are in english so listen to the song and tell me what you think? Overall this is a catchy song. I really cannot complain about its catchiness it is pop. That is what Pop is supposed to do be catchy and I guess the message is positive. I would not say the message is truthful. I think love can feel like a steel knife sometimes because of its honesty and there is nothing wrong with that. I think some of us cannot handle love's true brutality of honesty. There you have it a cute catchy pop song. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

AKB48 - Labrador Retriever Review

Dang out of Sugar Again!
 I know what you guys are thinking . He is doing an AKB48 song he must like them little tiny girls .No I like music and I will review all the Asian music no matter what size the girls are. Ha Ha Akb48 traditionally designed for Male Gamer nerds Had a Single out at the beginning of this month. I know I will get to the review I just thought I would have a nice  small introduction. Okay here it goes.


G-dragon come to me in my dreams!
I guess when the Mother is pouring in the Dog food that is suppose to be part of the song, Immediately starting out you have a surfer style drum. Then it goes into a regular Drum.The Intro Snares do not even match the Fill in that ends up being the drum snares for the song a good indication that they probably used a computer to make the drums. I could be wrong . Maybe a Drum loop for the Intro and then a regular drummer I doubt it.It is like they said lets have a surfer intro Loop and switch to  a regular Acoustic loop.I think AKB48 is letting us know that Summer is on its way. Immediately I heard this tune I was taken back and thought of the seventies and if you look at the lyrics that is exactly what they are trying for here. So I should give them an A plus for succeeding in what they were trying to aim for. I really do I think of an Older Idol Song played in the old days this is a tribute to summer Idol Songs. Is it summer yet? Yes AKB48 says it is.There is really nothing special here musically. there is about 4 stanzas and then Maybe some Orchestra Hits and then a Slow down stanza and then a Long hold vocal Chorus and a sound of Summer sort of thing. I am disappointed because after songs like Give me five and River I really want something like that. The music is kind of boring and sad and I really do not think that is what they meant for the opening of Summer. It should be happy and jumpy and making me want to run to the beach not run away from the beach and cry.


It does not taste like Dog
 Okay starting out we have a mother pouring the dog food. The Dog Food Pouring into the bowl wakes the AKb48 member who I guess is a Part Time dog I don't know I am not a dog person. At the beginning of this video I question that I am in Japan. The mom does not look japanese to me. There is a coffee maker on the side.I am not used to that in Japan . I am used to maybe the usual tea Kettle and tiny refrigerator. There is a large Refrigerator and this house looks like a suburb in here in America. I had to second guess if I was watching an AKB48 video.So the dog food pouring sounds a lot like High hat cymbals. The cymbals stop we have a clue that the music is coming and a Title pops up and it says Labrador Retriever. Hey that is the title of our song. A dog is outside okay! Now we have girls in Bikinis. The girls are innocent looking and are there to show us that they are having innocent fun which is what little girls do. Immediately the problem with not having matching outfits or just to me the choreography really starts out sloppy. It could be that they are not wearing matching outfits. It feels sloppy the whole choreography does even as the song progresses. The girls eating Hot dogs, and the girls in the back of the pick up truck and then the one girl being buried in the sand is a great reminder it is summer and we are having fun cool. We have girls playing Frisbee, Playing with water and eating Ice cream. At about 1:30 you can see some bad Choreography again not good at that point. Later we find that the dog has a locket just like our girl who is sleeping and the dog food that Mother is feeding girl has the girl's picture on it. I guess we are to assume she is dreaming that she is a dog and all these bikini clad friends are in the dream as well. I guess. Later we will see Ice Cream Girls sharing Ice cream with the dogs forget that! Now we have girls sharing Ice cream with dogs I am not kissing you after that I do not care who you are. There is one scene where we see fully clothed girls meet bikini clad women and that is a weird scene because it looks like a fight is about to break out but later we find that clothed chicks are dogs and they turn into dogs and run to bikini clad chicks.


Pure white parasol
Reserved seat of your summer
The 70's bikini
That's a favorite of the year
I have to say these lyrics paints a vivid picture.The girls match the lyrics to the letter. So good for the songwriter. The songwriter is obviously experienced and I think he wanted to capture the old Idol feel like many of us grew up with but I don't really think it did well for me musically. If he was looking for an exact feel He might forget drums that were computer looped  or just try to pick one set of drums that were computer looped. I would gone with a more sixties feel. The seventies really to me never capture the summer unless you had your van and you're cruising the beach for chicks. I would have a Plated guitar sound for a riff for the verse and then maybe a mama And Papas type chorus I think the members of AkB48 could pull it off. So musically I really did not like this song. Lyrically it is a perfect summer song here you check the lyrics out. Some of this is not the best Translation but really not a bad song lyrically.

I just Felt the love!
Pure white parasol
Reserved seat of your summer
The 70's bikini
That's a favorite of the year

The earlier than mom and dad
Did you come to vacation ? (Oh Yeah!)
The time over last year
Of love ( of love ) continued ( continued)
The sun is waiting

The running Labrador
To beach
While splash spray
Invites us
The chase on the sand
As of that day
And stripped off his sandals
( Laughing )
Have you seen this girl!?
Could you kiss ?

Oh Ma Cherie
Mineral water of one
I only drink Turn 2 people
Pure Heart
My heart is pounding to
And because I love really

Once the season is over
Not nobody but (Oh Yeah!)
Until said to love to you
My ( my ) summer ( summer )
Does not end still

See I am The Dog Get it!
Labrador Come
I finally tame
With all one's might in this arm
'll Hug
Memories at any time
Kuiganokoru thing
You do not let go this time around
( Kimi so )
Could you kiss ?

The love of our
The impatient much
I was watching me for years
From a young age
Friends that came grew up with

They won't give me another one!
The running Labrador
To beach
While splash spray
Invites us
The chase on the sand
As of that day
And stripped off his sandals
( Laughing )
Could you kiss ?
 I believe the Songwriter had a Labrador and he or she had memories in the summertime of this Labrador. I really feel that animal connection in the song. Overall not a song I am going to listen to again but cute video. I think young girls would like the video.I just feel like a dirty old man watching it. I am joking! There you have it let me know what you think Peace!
Here is The Full video!
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Coming Clean with relationships on youtube and facebook pt3 and Moving On!

I am going to finish this blog today not for the sake I am rehashing the past but it is something I want to post so if you have any questions you can go there. I have been quiet about a lot of things. I feel I think I know now I really need to let go of the past and not really dwell on it. I really want this blog for you to look at it as a way of understanding a lot of things. I try to tell people that what I was trying to do at the Toru Takanaru channel was something entertaining and it did bring me joy and I hope it brought a lot of people joy. I am disgusted at where people's minds are at today and how they think the worse of everything. I think when we get in this emotional relationship of oh I miss this person oh I wish this person would do this again. We end up losing focus on why we did what we did. When I started editing videos it was a challenge to see if I could make a better one. I eventually grew and asked myself what if I used my own footage?  You know what I did. I edited my own footage. I can boast now That I have videos that I actually shot with original Music and the Material is mine and I am proud. Does it get a lot of views? No for me to get views I have to do a cover song why because people naturally want familiarity. How many Dancers have you watched do the Danjo Dance? Why because you like Familiarity.  Groups that do have original songs have just been skimmed over why because it is not familiar to you. I will finish off this blog with facts about me.

1. I am not a Fanboy

 I detest that name I am an artist as George Lucas edited his own work I have been able to edit my own footage and it feels good. I edited other peoples videos mainly dancers to see if I could make a more entertaining video. There were dancers who could not even match audio at the time I started and I am not lying about this. You can not compare me to some of these guys who take footage and post as a supporter. I have been in the Lion's den with all of you. I filmed and edited dancers and we did do certain things I like and some I did not like as well but we just did not have enough time to do everything we were limited on time many times. The point is we did it and I was there  maybe it took a week for a video to be put together after editing and getting the right footage and shooting several times and then some talentless troll makes a stupid comment and they do not realize the time and energy we put into it . I am one of you not some creepy guy in Japan wanting to shower you with gifts just because you talk to me. I have put my time in dancing I had to succumb to defeat in a Dance contest with a dancer that was younger and better than me and that hurt. I always failed at slower tempos she knew this and she used it against me. I support you because I am a fellow artist as well. I know what you go through. I struggle just like you and I hope the next Collaboration will be the next best thing so I still keep looking. Finally I want to say it is not how cute you are or how skinny you are or fat or what color you are the first step to success is just showing up!

2. I wish these dancers got more views

 I wish I had more time with Alyssa what a great dancer she was. Awesome leader and I would made her my Dancing coach as well because she had experience and could coerce other young ladies into a formation if needed for any dance routine. She was not in the whole Social Media thing as was Kacy either she was another one that needed more views I think of Kacy more like family but she gets no mention because she was not on the social media scene. There was more important things in their life. I wished I had more time with Ella. There was so much confusion regarding that situation. I blame myself for not taking her more serious and I should've she was a great talent to work with. If I had not spread myself out so thin I could of focused more on her and should have. I hope she is doing well and apologies can not cover up the hurt I feel knowing I may never get to work with her again. Ella is a talented dancer. Cole had a great attitude and a good dancer and I wish her the best. Jasmine is a great vocalist and she was trying to work closely on her dances and Emi was a great cheerleader for us and a dancer as well. I might get to work with them again who knows I wish them the best. For those who listened to social media instead of getting to know me well Screw you! I mean seriously. I worked with over 30 dancers and If I did anything wrong I want to hear it from them. I made mistakes and they made mistakes we all are Human. I never had any desire to date a dancer I worked with. I look at every dancer as a potential client. We cannot be more than Professional with one another everything we talked about mostly were about what dances we could do or more views or about performing, the rest might be friendly chit chat and that is about it. Anyone who would date his client is a fool you will be blinded in your decision making. You should never be emotionally involved with your client. For a good relationship to last both parties must benefit. I wanted to benefit and profit from shows from selling singles Products and T-shirts and when I profit you should profit that is how it works.It has nothing to do with whether I want to sleep with you or not that will danger the relationship. For instance I have to think that every dancer might want to take their career further and in that process I may never see them again and if that happens I cannot be emotionally involved.If they do this in Japan then they are hurting themselves and the client. I am not someone who is wanting ownership like Pimp Daddy records or someone who would leave them out there in the cold without Instruction either. Who was the Dancer My Company picked over Yuka-pon well it was none other than BanzaiOtaku. She seemed more the fitting towards what we had in mind for the show. Who knew?

3. Time to move on

 The future looks bright today and it probably has been brighter for me before but I know why I did not see it . I held on to the past. The day I worked with the new dancer I should of forgot about the old dancer. Today I have a new person I want to work with and that person is me. He is talented and has the ability to make a video and has about 1,000 on youtube to show for it. My advice to blogger people who want to dwell on the past, those dancers are gone. The future is here and we have a new generation coming in.

Friday, May 23, 2014

[MV] ORANGE CARAMEL(오렌지캬라멜) _ Abing abing(아빙아빙) Review

I have nothing but praise for Orange Caramel's single Catalina and I really like the direction the group went. People turned their heads toward OC when Lipstick came out and I think many people wondered what they were going to do afterwards. Orange Caramel went a totally different way than what many probably expected but I think it will gain them a broader fan base. Catalina has a Middle eastern style that will gain them some more fans there. OC has a look that is lolita and J-poppish which will pull fans from there as well. The three minutes and thirty second commercial for Baskin Robbins which is what Abing abing is a commercial for Baskin Robbins is fun and cute and upbeat and OC teaches us a lesson that Pop music needs to learn.


 Is there anything so special or creative here? not really. Is it fun and danceable? Yes it is. Imagine Hyuna's Ice cream and combine it with Crayon Pop's Bar Bar Bar . Then you have Abing abing it is like that. The song is  good as anything that is played on K-pop charts and it is music for Baskin Robbins. It does not matter it gets me moving. That is the point with Pop music it should make you feel good. The song does make you happy and I can see bobbing my head back and forth to the beat. Good job you made me want to hear this song again and right now as I write this blog the song is running through my mind. The song starts out with a far away eq effect and Phase and then comes into a beautiful keyboard saw effect melody typical in most dance songs and it works because we want to dance to the song. There is a great chorus where we hear the young ladies vocals combine in a great back up effect. The vocals seem like they play off each other for instance we hear in the first verse the girls actually communicating with another girl which opens our ears to stay connected to the song. It is kind of what Crayon Pop did with Bar bar Bar. The slow down bridge is beautiful with the girls singing and it does not feel like they are competing for time in the song. It feels like they are singing with each other like an old Pet Shop Boys song and this is a club song so it works.


Okay is this a commercial does it want me to eat Ice Cream? Yes it does. Okay let me talk about this introduction was OC teasing us? I think they are. They actually start out like they are 4minute with this sizzling almost sexy feel . YOu are thinking okay they have gone the sexy way of Hyuna or many other girl groups but boom!  We see this water drop transition effect and we see an ease out camera effect of them in lawn chairs wearing probably the only way I can describe the cutest summer Lolita outfits you can Imagine. The faces of the girls remind me of Crayon Pop type facial expressions they look like they are having fun as they sing to you. Okay so we back up and see a green screen effect very cheaply done but bright as the outfits. We get the connection here and the message. Hey K-pop fans here is a song for you to make a video about and Imitate the dance so expect tutorials out soon. The dance looks fun and it is not complicated and I think that is the idea. OC does not just appeal to younger girls but also to older girls as well .There is also something so Japanese about this that I see they look like they are kidnapping J-pop fans maybe with their looks of course not really kidnapping them. I would not complain if they Kidnap me as long as they feed me ice cream. I like the freezer look and dry ice effect It could be digital but it looks real. I cannot say much else all I can say is take a lesson Pop Music . This is how you do it. I hope they sell a lot of Baskin Robbins.


 Okay this is a commercial and it is a fun pop song how much analysing do you need?
It is so hot today
 You're Running late today
It feels like a sauna
 Do you wanna have a fight
I'm Sweating
 It's so hot I,m Exhausted
 OC lets us know it is freaking hot outside, 

Oh very very Strawberry
 Fly your Stress away
Fly Summer Heat away with Vanilla bing-soo
Go Run to Baskin Robbins
Can't Bear the coolness
 We must all go to baskin Robbins I am totally there what about you? Okay not the most Inventive lyric creation ever but wait til you get to the the 2nd verse.
 My mom must be an alien (WHAT?)
She Never gets Hot (She Does)
 What's her secret? Is it Abing?
Maybe She eats it behind my back
  I think this is cleverly written because it is kind of funny.They are talking about a mother eating Ice cream behind their back. I think also it pictures OC as kids in another world and I think Older teenage girls get it especially when Mom gets onto them for eating too much. We have all been there. I really like how that is written and you can use your imaginations. If you look at the rest of the song we are simply told to go to Baskin Robbins.

                                                          It’s so hot today
You’re running late today
It feels like a sauna
Do you wanna have a fight?
I’m sweating
It’s so hot I’m exhausted
Oh very very strawberry
Fly your stress away
Fly summer heat away with vanilla bing-soo
Go run to Baskin Robbins
Can’t bear the coolness
Crunchy crunchy cool Abing Abing
Dry dry hot summer Abing Abing
Hand in hand, holding spoons
Thir-thir-thiry one Abing Abing
You’ll fall in love (fall in love)
Fall in love ah ah ah
You’ll fall for Ice cream bing-soo
Actually (what?)
My mom must be an alien (what?)
She never gets hot (she does?)
What’s her secret? Is it Abing?
Maybe she eats it behind my back
I worry about it everyday
Shall I eat cookies & cream bing-soo?
I’m so wishy-washy
I keep thinking about it
Go run to Baskin Robbins
Can’t bear the coolness
Crunchy crunchy cool Abing Abing
Dry dry hot summer Abing Abing
Hand in hand, holding spoons
Thir-thir-thiry one Abing Abing
You’ll fall in love (fall in love)
Fall in love ah ah ah
You’ll fall for Ice cream bing-soo
Did it just fade away like a dream?
It was such a beautiful time
It will make you fall in love
Crunchy crunchy cool Abing Abing
Dry dry hot summer Abing Abing
Hand in hand, holding spoons
Thir-thir-thiry one Abing Abing
 You’ll fall in love (fall in love)
Fall in love ah ah ah
I can see the bottom
My hands are getting busy
Melt it away Abing Abing

Good Job OC and guys I plan to see your dance version of this song soon!You Like this blog let me know have a song you want reviewed let me know! Catch me on Facebook
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