Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

xCricket11x Video of her dance covers (Where's Your Head at?)

 I remember making this video last year like it was yesterday I know I worked the total of  about 3 days on this video. I think I was most impressed with Danielle when I saw her Miss A cover where she does the splits at the end. I really miss her making new videos. She is awesome and I understand she is getting in the medical field and I can see why, she moves so angelic. I knew she had to be my next tribute victim and I think she was a fine choice.
 The song is a blend of three songs and it was done differently then what I would do now when mixing songs. I just cross faded them with Windows Movie Maker. The cross fading music worked and I loved it and others loved it as well. The video is over 6 minutes long and it was at one time of the most engaged videos I have ever done. This means people set through the entire 6 minutes. Mission accomplished I had made an entertaining video.
 The editing software I used was Studio Pinnacle for the Special effects and it is first time I used Adobe Photoshop for frames to create the lightning effect. I did the effects first with studio pinnacle like the reverse effects and waves and different effects. Then I edited them with windows Movie which has traditionally has become the way I do a video.
 There are actually video effects that I did but I did not add to the video. There was a wave effects and different flare effects. I love Hair Flinging shots so I enjoyed the Hair flinging reverse shot effects they look really cool and Danielle is so attrcactive as well with those combinations they have made a good video. l really want to make an entertaining video I feel the people who watch my videos deserve that and I really feel I owe them you cannot please both the J-pop fans and K-pop fans it is hard to do I cannot say which I loved better but I love them both. It is your love of that music which helps me get views and  subscribers.
 It was easy to decide on the big finish on this video which is something I try for on most of my videos. The video starts with getting your attention and ends with you wanting more of Danielle. It is a video that is hard to top of the ones that I have done. The video does not have the Toru Bumper but I can assure you I edited it which is why I chose to have the Bumper.
 I feel I have been invited in the community and now since I have worked with other dancers I feel like I am part of the community and I feel like one of the dancers I get the same haters and lovers. Thanks for all the views. This video has no dislikes. I wonder why?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Epyanna Dream a Dream.

Eppyanna has to be one of the most talented people on youtube. I would love to see Eppyanna discovered by some big entertainment compay. She is obviously musically gifted. I wished I would have downloaded more videos to edit. I plan to go back and maybe redo some tributes and I think she is on my list, I would love to redo her tribute video. Since I grew up with DDR it was kind of natural to pick this song it is a great song . I used to love doing the DDR game and stepping to that song. This video was edited with Windows Movie maker. I do not think any Video I did would ever do Epyanna any justice.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bad Girls But Good Girls Dance Covers Mix

 This video was released on Nov 7, 2010. The dance itself is very sexual, There is the bum rubbing and of course getting on the floor like a naughty school girl move. I think the real reasoning behind this video was my feelings about split screen videos on how one screen would not follow the dancer.
 I decided I wanted to make a video were one screen would follow the dancer and thus this video was made. I used the Window Splitting effect from Studio Pinnacle here. If you watch the video you will see how the window splitting does follow the dancers moves and hopefully it brings you the viewer into the dance I will use this effect more later in my Blue Bon Bon tribute video so you might want to check that out as well.
 In the description I seem more guy like and I really have no bad criticism for what was said the dance is little bit more mature so it is probably a little more mature then your average J-pop song. Korean pop is more adult then J-pop but I do not disrespect any of the dancers because they all are good. There is Bekah, Eppyanna, and Danielle all good dancer sand a few that I do not remember oh yeah Johanna is there as well great dancers and a great dance. There is great Hair flinging fun here.

Friday, October 28, 2011

2 NE1 Dance Covers

I really did not have any featured dancer here but I always liked the dance cover that Bekah did of 2NE1 Fire so I thought it would be neat to mix some dancers and create this neat little dance I just  added a few effects .  I figured since my Danjo and My Love and Joy were a big hits so why not do a K-pop song. I think doing mixes of different dancers doing a certain song will be a main stay for the Toru Takanuru channel this is still before the bumper so it is different from some of the videos. Of course this is not one of my favorites but it was good practice that I needed to learn on making an entertaining video. This was edited with windows Movie Maker.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Julia I love Rock N Roll!

Julia Rock N Roll
 I remember it was a dreary day when I made this I wanted to know if I could mix the track without vocals with Julia to give it a good sound. I think I was more concerned about the sound then the visual. I had to do some tricks to match the lip syncing which was changed because of the mixing. I wanted to do one close up on a feature that think is beautiful on Julia and that was her lips. I know now my mixing skills are a little bit better but I got to live a little bit of my dream which was to mix a song for Julia Bernard well maybe one of these days I will get to actually sit behind a Mixing board with Julia in a Sound booth maybe one of these day will see. This video was edited with Studio Pinnacle and the Music was mixed with Pro tools and I was a new user.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Julia (Aralka1234) Boom Test Video ジュリアブーム!A commentary

This is my first attempt to comment on videos as they reach a year anniversary. The title is called Julia (AraIka1234) Boom Test Video. First the Title is much different then most of the videos I have done. Test why would test be in it well its because P.O.D. Boom was not supposed to be the song that I was going to use. The idea was to have a mix of songs like maybe two or three to make one song. I only put P.O.D.'s song to see if I coud edit her footage then replace it with another song. This is before my Chroma Key days so you really do not see much outstanding effects in this video the song however fits well. I know many know Julia as the sweet young lady we know of today but at the time there was controversy regarding her I think many of us avoided her because she did seem to frighten us and we did not understand if she was challenging other dancers at the time or if that what was how people thought of her that way. Let me explain when I first started to do this I never really heard of the word collaboration many people would do split screens and say this is one dancer vs another dancer you do not see that now you see a lot of collaborations. I was probably one of the first who saw this as a bad thing. The dancers had enough criticsm, it was the last thing they really needed was someone putting them up against each other like cage fighters about to square off in Thunder Dome. You see of all the Versus videos Julia Bernard had the most there was Julia Vs Becky and Julia vs Kozue and it was not good. Then it got worse Julia became a member of the short lived project called  Cute Ribbons Project this was after about six members had committed to Cruel Angels Project. Cute Ribbon had almost all my favorite dancers in there. Someone had posted on a blog "We are cuter and We are better dancers then the Cruel Angels" Regardless of all the Drama, Julia was cute and a good singer and really fascinated me of her passion about learning about other cultures.
It did not take me long to start watching her videos and her honesty and passion helped me become a true supporter of her. I felt that under all that softness there was a tough person who was not going to give up on her dreams. The song I picked "Boom" I think it was meant to be. The song worked in my video. She proved to me to be the that person with the "Bring It ON" attitude because I am willing to to go up against anything type person .
The most seen effect in my video is the 3-d ripple effect and this was done with Windows Movie Maker.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Getting more popular then you think.

SNL Skit from last night
I was sitting in bed when the skit first appeared on air. I knew there was this awful feeling that they were making fun of people I know. I am talking about the J-pop college mock show that aired last night on NBC of course. SNL really has not produced anything funny in a long time so I was not concerned about that. The thing that bothered me the most was the young lady did however have a Beckii Cruel like persona as though whoever wrote the skit had a familiarity with the J-pop dancing growing fans. After having a good night sleep I realised this was the same show who mocked white kids for acting like black kids . In those days you would here the term Wigger which is a just about as scary as Weeaboo or however you spell it because I doubt you will be able to find both words in a dictionary. I think if you really want to insult me actually use a real word.
 I really can relate to a younger generation wanting to find music that they can relate to I mean popular music especially Hip-hop has become dull dry and boring it really has over stayed its welcome. I myself cannot Identify it. if it is truly the music of the streets? Then keep  it on the streets how many times do I have to hear the recycled version of 80's music with cuss words laced over it. I see young ladies who want to be cute and why not? Why should they have to conform to something they do not like. I grew up in the country and I hated country music every note sounded whiny in my ear, I listened to Rock and then Hip-Hop but after while you want to broaden your spectrum a little bit. Is there anything wrong with that? Why should I be stuck listening to certain type of music if I was born in a certain country, why should I be stuck listening to certain kind of music? Elvis was Hated for singing "Negro" Music.Some rappers still get poked fun at for Rapping because they are white and some are laughing now to the bank My question is whats wrong with blending cultures together in a for the sake of art trust me the Japanese are not going to shoot you if you blend country music and J-pop together there is nothing wrong with that many people keep on forgetting on how much Walt Disney has inspired the world of Japanese Anime or how are Industrial Metal is an Inspiration for J-rock.
 On a positive note you have to say that to be mentioned on Saturday Night Live is a good thing to be able to be noticed shows you how well the movement has grown. It probably won't be long til you see groups like Danceroid on the television in America just you wait and see.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Which video version is better in the link it is important that you vote the fate of the future of youtube is at stake well not really but it would make me happy ;) Oh yeah leave your decision at the bottom of the comment section.

Which video version is better in the link it is important that you vote the fate of the future of youtube is at stake well not really but it would make me happy ;) Oh yeah leave your decision at the bottom of the comment section.

Answer here

Sunday, August 21, 2011

um this might be stupid of meh. DX but what is flirting exactly and how do you flirt?? @_@

OMG Uh you talked to the right person they call me the KIng of flirting. Flirting is a method you use to get the attention of someone you like,love or attracted to or just to get any attention.Flirting is a good tool to get someone you like the extra boost they need to get them to make the move you want them to It can be very dangerous around people with low self esteem because they can get the wrong message when your in like and they are desperate for any attention. Cyber flirting comes in many forms such as extra poking on face book or buzzing someone to get their attention. Over the years you will learn when the right time to flirt. A good example of bad flirting is when a waitress flirts to get a tip like putting her hand on your shoulder or giving you a free drink , this can be a bad situation for some waitresses and good flirting is when you get feelings for a friend so you might engage in some harmless tickling to see how that person reacts if the reaction is good then you might proceed with a kiss.

Ask me anything

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rate the cuddle factor of the folowing with a 1 to 10 raiting with one being cuddly as a cactus and ten being super warm and cuddly here are the choices. A: Hello Kitty B: Rika LUma or Rirakkuma C: DOmo D: You And E: Me!?

Rate the cuddle factor of the folowing with a 1 to 10 raiting with one being cuddly as a cactus and ten being super warm and cuddly here are the choices. A: Hello KittyB: Rika LUma or Rirakkuma C: DOmo D: You And E: Me!?

Answer here

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is Friendship the best Love?

"Your My favorite"
When I was younger I had a friend who moved away when I was about six or seven I really cannot remember, I know it really hurt and of course as a child you really do not know how you are suppose to feel. I should of kept in touch but at that young of age you really do not know how to stay in touch your brain has not developed to figure that you can stay in touch without seeing someone. You pretty much think "well out of sight out of mind." The truth is these people that you care about will never leave your mind especially if they have impacted your life. The truth is no matter what you score on your SAT's or how high your IQ is you are capable of falling in Love. Einstein said Love is a better teacher than duty. Even Charles Darwin fell in LOve and one of the first persons he showed his works to was His Darling wife.Darwin in fact never tried to really disprove The existence of an higher power but saw  evolution as a way of maybe describing how creation came to be.
 There are many ways to connect in Love and one way is a mental connection , you know when dudes go to  a football game and take their shirts off and root for the team or how girls dress like vocoloids and go to Macdonalds to eat, this is one of the best connections. Another connection is a physical connection this is the connection that causes men to act like animals and women to get all Squishy inside I mean go figure. Many believe this is probably our first opening to communication like it or not but that is how it works.
 Then there is a love that no one can describe that scientist wish they could describe. They are so frustrated with the opposite sex that they try to deny it's existence yes they act like teenagers just because they cannot control or figure out their emotions. It makes a man propose to a woman in front of thousands it makes a Mother lay her life down for her child, it makes a soldier go to a foreign land for his country you cannot kill it, it makes a songwriter write thousands of songs it is a thing called love. I was a teenager once and I remember saying that juvenile statement of "I do not Believe In LOve" but you cannot deny its existence. Denying the power of love is like looking at a totally destroyed town by an earth quake and say I do not believe in earthquakes. You do not see a earthquake you see the the ground rumble when the plates shifts below the earth. You do not actually see the plates actually shift but you cannot deny the fact that the Ground is shifting below I mean cmon. I see the effects of the wind but I cannot see the wind I do not see Gravity but I see the effects of gravity.  I could go on and on about cells and other particles that you will never see probably in your life time. The truth is to just accept one of the greatest gifts ever given to mankind which is love. When you choose to love you see the effects of love are greater then anything you will ever see you get hugs,kisses, unselfishness,gifts, grace,compassion,sympathy, and most of all Orgasms; awesomeness! These are merely just products that you can receive from being in love so just try it you might like it it won't be easy I mean love is an uphill battle but it is worth the Trial that you go though! and BTW Happy Anniversary MOM and DAD!

Friday, May 20, 2011

One year later where do you go from here!

When a video of mine became a hit. My friends and Family would have to endure me showing all the neat effects and me talking about the dancers. I would see there eyes rolled as I would talk about Bekah,Kelsey,Beckii,Gemma,Sarah and Kozue. If you have never experienced this then you have not been in the "community" that long.
 When I started posting my edited videos on another channel over a year a go. It was complete chaos I would get 500 views on my anime dancing videos and like 13 on a blog. I knew this was not going to work. It would be okay if I was a dancer. I wasn't I was just slowing beoming a fan. I looked at my demographic and I felt like Gemma in The Beckii Superstar BBC Documentary " I would be very sad if that was my daddy." I knew the problem I would have a male point of views or comedy skits and then Have a Young lady dance. It would be okay if it was Otaku themed but this wasn't I felt like it was an old vaudeville show or Dean Martin's variety show. "now here comes the Gold diggers dancing to the Danjo Dance". My Goal became Clear to get my channel to get more female views or respectable male fans. I needed my own channel.
 It was great starting out on my channel because I already had content to be posted from my previous channel when I Opened the doors a year a go I had a channel comment that said " A video channel dedicated to J-pop Dancing this is a good idea." I knew I was on the right track.
 I can honestly say I met that goal of increasing female views. My demographics for all my videos right now today is Female 54% to Male 46%. I am not saying Male viewers are bad we need more Male dancers in the community. I am just saying be respectful.  You need to think before you type. Ask yourself would I want someone say the same thing to me. I mean how many garbage men yelling at women actually get those women that they are yelling at? I want you to fall in a love with a Dancer so much that you think about her feelings that you care what she thinks about you and herself.
 My goals now well here is what I want to do.  My goal is number one is to branch out to more programming or work with other people. I will be sending someone to conventions to get more footage. I will be starting to take donations and a place where people to go by and personally thank the company or people for their donations. I have thought about a weekly J-pop, K-pop news programming maybe work with Jimbo or Little Cecly. A DVD with blessing from a certain entertainment company on dance tutorials and most of all a documentary and I want to work with Kawaii Kim on making fan clubs for younger dancers to help protect them.
 Guys Thank you!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The 50th tribute!

                                                                     Hannah's Video!
 It is april 25th I am going to try to make this a special blog. Tomorrow as many as you know is national Hanni day as declared from the office of Torutakanuru.I accomplished what I wanted to today by posting  a video about her and by making a special comments for her.What can I say about her I mean I like Hanni, I do not know her personally but I really like her she puts her heart in everything she does. I know in this day and age that is hard to do. All I can say that the positive results of putting your heart out there many times out weighs the negative. I will use myself as an example. I have made 50 tributes on YouTube I know it does not say that but I have. I have had to make a couple videos private for reasons .
 I cannot believe I have done this for over a year it is partly an addiction for me but the joy of seeing the videos afterward are hard to explain. Last night was the first time I had a chance how great the impact these videos have. As many of you know I have been brought to this by accident but I never knew the joy of completing a video. A painter paints and enjoys his art surely maybe an editor edits. I get kicks now reading others comments and making them happy.
 Probably the biggest question I get from people is How long does it take to make a video. I would say the longest would be three days that I know. The example I would give you is how much do I love making videos. I have skipped meals and sleep to make videos and I would do it again. I have two videos that will probably never be released but I do not regret making them. I do it for me but sometimes I do it for you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Surimuchan's World

A sweet young lady and gaceful dancer Love Her and comment on my video!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

100 Subs, Milestone and a New Channel

Editor and Chief

Its raining outside I have the jazz comtemporary music playing and a warm cup of tea in front of me. Its look like I am shooting a video tonight and pre-production involves cleaning and hoping and praying for more lighting. I have more then one program going and my computer is screaming help me! I had a comment from a friend that I had reached 100 subscribers and I knew I had reached another milestone. I have to look back I had made  videos for these dancers for over a year now.  I took some time off because I had a little burnout because of it . You sometimes  have to stop and smell the roses. That is my advice to anyone doing the videos you reach that year milestone take off a little bit.
What I have learned in a year and 100 subscribers later? How do you handle  Anti-Otoku people or trolls.  Block them and then go to their channel and block all their friends or Channel favorites you will find that most of them are made up channels a key thing to look for is to whether they have any uploads that is a sure sign that this a made up channel just for trolling.
Another thing I have learned that K-pop is a rival to American Pop. You need to support your subscribers because they support you keep an open mind help others to perfect their talent with creative criticism and love.

I have a new channel well sort of. This channel is Kawaii dancers. The idea came to me when I started complaining about not enough dance tutorials on you tube. I thought about developing videos with a metronome and start my own tutorials a virtual teacher sort of and gear it to a younger audience I believe it will grow fast as we develop new progamming.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Obssesion with Sarah!

I uploaded a new video yesterday and it is dedicated to hellopeachS. I had an idea about a tv show called Ninja Deevas, I even wrote a song and everything. I recorded it as well, Yee haw! I thought about applying it to the dancers I knew about online with an eighties tv show credits like Charlies Angels which started in the seventies. I just could only see tv shows like Magnum P.I. and the A-team which were popular in the eighties. One day it popped in my head what about an exploitation Trailer? Thats right in the seventies women were just awsome there was Savage Sisters,Cleopatra Jones,Foxy Brown, any woman in a revenge flick. It happened and I pursued that with an exploitation trailer featuring majority of the Cute Ribbons Project.
 Sarah was burned in my mind the day I did the other cruel Angels tribute Videos. I wanted the video to be about hellopeachS though not about Sarah. I wanted to separate them I wanted people to see the hellopeachS I think about. The hellopeachS, who is faithful about posting on her blog, the hellopeachS who post comments on the comment section of youtube who is not afraid to share her ideas and beliefs. The one who makes me smile when she pulls out some prop and wears her style on youtube. She gets your attention, once she does your hooked and you truly believe she is a warm friendly person.
I have started a sister site you can check it out. It is geared to younger girls and you can check it out here.Kawaii Dancers

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blah, Blah, Bleah....

 Thats right it has been a yucky day, I worked a little on a video which will be a special treat. I took a meeting and we are talking about doing music for the 13-17 year old female market the only problem is we do not know how to write lyrics for the 13-17 year old female anyone have any ideas email me here at tortakanuru@

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New video For Darren Tp

Darren TP video is up on my you tube channel. I have been working on a video for Sean Bartlett. The video has a lot of effects and it is in High def I will keep you posted. I have two solid days to edit and load effects even as I write this I am working on the video.