Monday, April 25, 2011

The 50th tribute!

                                                                     Hannah's Video!
 It is april 25th I am going to try to make this a special blog. Tomorrow as many as you know is national Hanni day as declared from the office of Torutakanuru.I accomplished what I wanted to today by posting  a video about her and by making a special comments for her.What can I say about her I mean I like Hanni, I do not know her personally but I really like her she puts her heart in everything she does. I know in this day and age that is hard to do. All I can say that the positive results of putting your heart out there many times out weighs the negative. I will use myself as an example. I have made 50 tributes on YouTube I know it does not say that but I have. I have had to make a couple videos private for reasons .
 I cannot believe I have done this for over a year it is partly an addiction for me but the joy of seeing the videos afterward are hard to explain. Last night was the first time I had a chance how great the impact these videos have. As many of you know I have been brought to this by accident but I never knew the joy of completing a video. A painter paints and enjoys his art surely maybe an editor edits. I get kicks now reading others comments and making them happy.
 Probably the biggest question I get from people is How long does it take to make a video. I would say the longest would be three days that I know. The example I would give you is how much do I love making videos. I have skipped meals and sleep to make videos and I would do it again. I have two videos that will probably never be released but I do not regret making them. I do it for me but sometimes I do it for you.

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