Thursday, October 20, 2011

Julia (Aralka1234) Boom Test Video ジュリアブーム!A commentary

This is my first attempt to comment on videos as they reach a year anniversary. The title is called Julia (AraIka1234) Boom Test Video. First the Title is much different then most of the videos I have done. Test why would test be in it well its because P.O.D. Boom was not supposed to be the song that I was going to use. The idea was to have a mix of songs like maybe two or three to make one song. I only put P.O.D.'s song to see if I coud edit her footage then replace it with another song. This is before my Chroma Key days so you really do not see much outstanding effects in this video the song however fits well. I know many know Julia as the sweet young lady we know of today but at the time there was controversy regarding her I think many of us avoided her because she did seem to frighten us and we did not understand if she was challenging other dancers at the time or if that what was how people thought of her that way. Let me explain when I first started to do this I never really heard of the word collaboration many people would do split screens and say this is one dancer vs another dancer you do not see that now you see a lot of collaborations. I was probably one of the first who saw this as a bad thing. The dancers had enough criticsm, it was the last thing they really needed was someone putting them up against each other like cage fighters about to square off in Thunder Dome. You see of all the Versus videos Julia Bernard had the most there was Julia Vs Becky and Julia vs Kozue and it was not good. Then it got worse Julia became a member of the short lived project called  Cute Ribbons Project this was after about six members had committed to Cruel Angels Project. Cute Ribbon had almost all my favorite dancers in there. Someone had posted on a blog "We are cuter and We are better dancers then the Cruel Angels" Regardless of all the Drama, Julia was cute and a good singer and really fascinated me of her passion about learning about other cultures.
It did not take me long to start watching her videos and her honesty and passion helped me become a true supporter of her. I felt that under all that softness there was a tough person who was not going to give up on her dreams. The song I picked "Boom" I think it was meant to be. The song worked in my video. She proved to me to be the that person with the "Bring It ON" attitude because I am willing to to go up against anything type person .
The most seen effect in my video is the 3-d ripple effect and this was done with Windows Movie Maker.

1 comment:

  1. Haha yeah, cute ribbon was quite short lived. We stayed in Cruel Angels for a little period of time but then realized it sucked so we left. :P
