Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Getting more popular then you think.

SNL Skit from last night
I was sitting in bed when the skit first appeared on air. I knew there was this awful feeling that they were making fun of people I know. I am talking about the J-pop college mock show that aired last night on NBC of course. SNL really has not produced anything funny in a long time so I was not concerned about that. The thing that bothered me the most was the young lady did however have a Beckii Cruel like persona as though whoever wrote the skit had a familiarity with the J-pop dancing growing fans. After having a good night sleep I realised this was the same show who mocked white kids for acting like black kids . In those days you would here the term Wigger which is a just about as scary as Weeaboo or however you spell it because I doubt you will be able to find both words in a dictionary. I think if you really want to insult me actually use a real word.
 I really can relate to a younger generation wanting to find music that they can relate to I mean popular music especially Hip-hop has become dull dry and boring it really has over stayed its welcome. I myself cannot Identify it. if it is truly the music of the streets? Then keep  it on the streets how many times do I have to hear the recycled version of 80's music with cuss words laced over it. I see young ladies who want to be cute and why not? Why should they have to conform to something they do not like. I grew up in the country and I hated country music every note sounded whiny in my ear, I listened to Rock and then Hip-Hop but after while you want to broaden your spectrum a little bit. Is there anything wrong with that? Why should I be stuck listening to certain type of music if I was born in a certain country, why should I be stuck listening to certain kind of music? Elvis was Hated for singing "Negro" Music.Some rappers still get poked fun at for Rapping because they are white and some are laughing now to the bank My question is whats wrong with blending cultures together in a for the sake of art trust me the Japanese are not going to shoot you if you blend country music and J-pop together there is nothing wrong with that many people keep on forgetting on how much Walt Disney has inspired the world of Japanese Anime or how are Industrial Metal is an Inspiration for J-rock.
 On a positive note you have to say that to be mentioned on Saturday Night Live is a good thing to be able to be noticed shows you how well the movement has grown. It probably won't be long til you see groups like Danceroid on the television in America just you wait and see.

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