Sunday, August 21, 2011

um this might be stupid of meh. DX but what is flirting exactly and how do you flirt?? @_@

OMG Uh you talked to the right person they call me the KIng of flirting. Flirting is a method you use to get the attention of someone you like,love or attracted to or just to get any attention.Flirting is a good tool to get someone you like the extra boost they need to get them to make the move you want them to It can be very dangerous around people with low self esteem because they can get the wrong message when your in like and they are desperate for any attention. Cyber flirting comes in many forms such as extra poking on face book or buzzing someone to get their attention. Over the years you will learn when the right time to flirt. A good example of bad flirting is when a waitress flirts to get a tip like putting her hand on your shoulder or giving you a free drink , this can be a bad situation for some waitresses and good flirting is when you get feelings for a friend so you might engage in some harmless tickling to see how that person reacts if the reaction is good then you might proceed with a kiss.

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