Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Magical Idol: Chpter four... The Dirty Dirty South

The next day after an evening with Fukumoda. I kind of looked forward to work. Amy gave me a message from our Atlanta division from one of our clients who was a DJ down in Atlanta the message was about a singer. DJ Phat Dillon did a great job with us we averaged about 350- 400$ a night from Dillon which really was good for a DJ.We were in business with 5 different Dj's in Atlanta. We received half of the night's work in Atlanta and other towns where we represented DJ's. We took care of scheduling,taxes, equipment, Insurance and booking and promotion in return they paid us for half of the services and split the nights' Pay. If they got a tip which I am sure many did, I would probably say they did not tell us if they received one or not. I know it sounds a lot to pay us 50% but they did not have to worry about anything, scheduling,Insurance, equipment and taxes. They just had to show up.If one DJ did not make their appointment their were plenty in line who would. It was a sweet deal and extra money and we did this in four other places as well. Some of the equipment was already paid for five years ago from John and mine own past of doing DJ work so we were making a good profit and Amy and the program we used for scheduling which was a program designed by UPS one of the Nations top company helped tremendously.
 I called Dillon as soon as I got into my office. I knew he might still be in bed considering like Vampires most Dj's melt at just the sight of the Sun. Dillon answered the call and started talking to me about a talent he met at a Karaoke bar he did service for last night. " Hey you have to check this girl out" he breathed out excitedly." I will send you a video" . Dillon sent me a video from his phone to mine. I looked at it. It was a girl alright from what I heard she belted out some of the most beautiful tones that was her voice to the tune of Lady Marmalade. I looked at the phone and from what I saw she looked pleasant enough as well which is a plus for a pop star. She had beautiful light Cinnamon brown colored hair and big Brown eyes. I told Dillon on the phone thanks and told him I could not promise him anything. Dillon said he understood and then I headed straight to Jon's Office
 I took a deep breath and started walking was this what I needed a trip down south to forget about the recent failures or just accidents or whatever they were? A broken relationship and a failed attempt in the business was what I had been thinking about maybe this would get my mind off those things. I knocked on the door of Jon's Office it was too early for clients to be in there. Jon told me to come in. I showed my phone and told him what Dillon told me and asked what he thought. "  I think it would be worth you going Toru" Jon nodded in agreement go to Amy and get a ticket as ASAP!" John  Authoritatively told me. I talked to Amy and she found a nice weekend special to Atlanta. I knew the drill. Atlanta was not play time we had a studio in Atlanta and Shawn and Richard were our Engineers down there, they needed checking up on as well. I had four hours to get to the Airport. I drove past my place packed a couple suits in a Suit bag and grabbed my handbag with some shirts and Khakis and my lingerie bag with new underwear and toiletries I kept in case of a trip which happened every month. I was ready to go I smiled as I locked the door behind me. I got in my car and drove back to work and called Jon to take me to the Airport there was no since in paying for parking at LAX. Jon drove me to LAX and told me to take my time and enjoy Atlanta, check out the singer and get our Engineers in gear, check the equipment, and see if there needs to be any replacement for equipment that sort of thing and talk with some our best clients like Dillon and Mercy Throat a band who had recorded with us since we opened up in Atlanta two years ago. I gave him a salute and Yelled " Roger That!" I headed to the computer to swipe my passport and to upgrade to first class if there was a seat available because there was no way I was riding coach if I could pay 50-75$ for first class with my credit Card to upgrade. There were two available first class seats one swipe and I was done and took my ticket and receipt and headed to the gate entrance which would open in an hour. I would get me some coffee and a Guitar Magazine and read until the Gate opened for seating.
 I get to Atlanta at 7:00pm Atlanta time changing time zones suck. I just left around lunch time in LA. I was going to be in Atlanta for a week . I was going to make sure of that. I decide for a cab at the cab station at the airport I really did not feel like renting a car yet. I will be honest I do not like driving in Atlanta. I Call Jon from the Cab and tell him that I will head to the studio after I check in to my hotel and rent a car tomorrow because the drive from the motel to the studio was not too much of a trouble. I arrived at our usual small hotel business inn you know the type no pool and the complimentary breakfast is a little debbie honey bun ,coffee, and a banana. The cheaper the Motel the more money we could invest in singers and equipment plus we did not know if this trip would pay off we never know if any trip will pay off. Amy called me on the phone while I was unpacking  and she told me that Fukumodo's assistant had a package for me and Amy told the assistant to send the package to Atlanta. Amy told me she felt a nice gift might cheer me up. Jon probably gave Richard and Shawn a heads up that I was coming. They thought of me as a replacement I came down there if any of them needed sometime off. The Recording facility in Atlanta was small just enough room for a band and Karaoke type singers. There was two recording rooms and a office and vault room for cash and a master mixing room Studio A and Studio B.Studio A was a nice place with a piano and room for Guitars, bass, Drums and two booths for singers and a Nice Pro Tools Hd set up, Tonight  was Saturday evening I get the desk clerk to call me a cab to the Studio and I was ready to go.  I make my self comfortable in the office of the Studio and dial Dillon's number again. "This girl how can I Reach her?" I ask Dillon on the phone. "Dawg you down here?" Dillon responded in a question. "Yup"! I answered gleefully. " You in luck she is in a contest at The Merger" Dillon explained. " The Merger!' I barked back. "Is that not in the black part of town?" I laugh. " Well you is talking to a black man" Dillon smirks back on the phone." What time is this contest?" I inquire. Dillon responds "well I believe it is nine or what you people will say nineish" Dillon  and I socialize a bit on the phone and I check to see how one of our top clients in Atlanta was doing. Shawn seems to be doing an excellent job with equipment especially . Shawn was one of the best tech guys in the business I had ever seen. Dillon is happy and all is going well in the recording facility there is a band being recorded by an intern with Richard and Dillon. Life is good down here. The Atlanta Recording Facility looks like they are going to be busy all night and at 500$ an hour for studio time that is not a bad thing.  I do not have time to check on them long I sat in for thirty minutes while Richard and the intern are setting up Microphones up to the amp to record some guitar. The band looks like a group of middle aged men with beards who have not quite left the sixties. I look at the parking lot when I start to leave for my cab and I see a few Harley Davidson Motorcycles out there.  I call my cab I am ready to go.
 I get to the Merger and see what I usually see drunks listening to people singing Karaoke loudly. The singers are competing for cash money the winner is decided by a cheap applause meter.I hate those things they never semm to work right. The girl I am waiting for is named Teonna, I sit for an hour I get a Sprite with Cranberry Juice from the waitress and then decide on some cheese stix. Teonna is about the seventh singer on stage and she grooves again to Lady marmalade. She is gorgeous as the sound that comes from her mouth she entices the audience like a siren and the song kind of turns me on while I am looking at her I am thinking this could be the one to get me out of the slump I am in at work.

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