Saturday, February 21, 2015

Magical Idol: Chapter two....and boom goes the contract

  I make it back to work early. I play a little Call Of Duty until it is time for my meeting. My job is where I work and I know you know that but it is because of my boss John Gilliam that I have gone this far. He saw my potential when we met in Iraq while I was playing for the air force band my discipline was like his discipline. My dad the Colonel had taught me about the results of hard work but the results of my hard work had left me a lonely 25 year old while all my friends have become married and divorced and many of my friends married or divorced had kids. When my Dad served in the military when he was young women were taught to support their men through thick or thin bank accounts. My dad flew all over the world while my mom took care of us three boys and later I was given the task of taking care of our adopted Korean baby sister Kimmy because my Mom wanted a girl. My mom was really too tired burned out a bit chasing us boys around the house to raise Kimmy that is where her intelligent son of 11 came in. I became Kim's guardian and shadow and all around entertainer. The Takanuru's all had to learn music I learned Piano, and taught myself Guitar and my Brothers played trumpet and cello which they gave up when they moved out. Kimmy played the Violin and exceptionally well I might add but it was late night jams in the music room with me that kept her loving the instrument today. If Kimmy has any reason to ham it up with her violin she will. I grew up in the West and found about a few types of Women out here in the west.The women who are told that they do not need a man they end up bitter lonely and drinking themselves to death or they find a man so wimpy that the man struggles with his own sexuality so much that many end up leaving the woman for a man hey this is the wild wild west. There is the women who are told they can do anything but with the help of family who get surgery after surgery and taught by mommy dearest who snagged a rich man how to get a rich man.The problem with this type there are enough rich men out there for a woman to leave and California will reward any housewife a nice alimony. When a woman gets thirty she usually wakes up and finds out that she needs more than money. The ease of divorce in the state of California makes it easy for a woman to leave a man and enjoy half of the estate while she enjoys the pool boy. Of course then there are the girls that just date black guys. There is an old joke out here in the west and it goes something like this one day a black girl was holding hands with her white boyfriend her friends came up to her and ask her why she did not date a black guy and she snaps back" Hey do I look Asian, Latino or white?" The travel keeps me busy and with Ipods, mobile phones and tablets many of us busy people feel less alone until we get to bed then the reality sometimes hit us.
 I sat down across from Amy who sat in the center of what looked like a round command center from a science fiction space ship. She ran and did well scheduling all the employees of our company at fantastique recordings. She wore the solid color business suit that most of us were required by John to wear. John and his mother was the company.They took a small idea and made it in to a growing corporation. He told us that we sold crap but if we dressed up and dressed up the crap we are now professional fertilizer sales people. The next step is to promote the fertilizer and if we had the better promotion of the fertilizer we sold then we would win and he was right. Pop music is crap it sucks it has been in a rut for over twenty years and thanks to fertilizer sales people like Kanye West, Jay Z and Beyonce they will scream racist if you try to replace their fertilizer with better fertilizer. It was easy to hire a cute girl to sing your songs as long as she was able to keep in the line of the Pro Tools sampled music of other crap out there. The problem is I picked the wrong girl she missed her appointment at the recording studio and we were still charged and this was not good it was a charge of 20,000 dollars and I had given up on the girl. She got drunk the night before and thought she could live this privileged pop star lifestyle even before she was a star. It starts when they are young, girls especially are told how wonderful and special they are when in reality here in America there are ten thousand girls right behind them who are going to take their place. How do you get Successful how do you beat the competition? You have to work a little harder than the competition. I tell them all this but no one listens. I usually caught things like a 20,000 dollar charge on our account before something like that happened but after three years of messing with these divas I finally made a mistake. I usually would just pop in to John's office without waiting to be called in but today I felt like the boy who dropped a cherry bomb in the girl's restroom and I was waiting for the principal to call me in for him to sentence me. I put my head in my hands thinking what am I going to say?
  Jon walks out to me and looks down and says "Are you ready". I shake my head no. "Cmon in Big Guy" Jon Waves me into his office as he walks toward the entrance of his nice spacious office. Jon sits down and gets comfortable and throws two tickets on his desk. I am thinking that is one way to get me from the studio where I know I do a good job. "Is this my punishment Jon?" "If this was your punishment these would be Clipper tickets these are Laker seats even though you are sitting across from Jack Nicholson a whole court away from Jack by the way they are still good seats." Jon pointed out. " What is the catch?" I asked. " The catch " Jon exclaimed " You are taking Mr. Fukumodo out to the game in hopes he will throw a little business our way." Rumors were spreading around the office about E-mails from Jon to a Japanese agent who used to live in LA recruiting white western girls for a project in Japan. I knew very little about it and not much of a fan of Japanese music especially since I did not know the culture. I knew of the Korean market on the rise I went to school with those guys." Okay what do you want me to do until then. The game is not till 8:00." I shrugged like a sheepish little 2nd grader."You might learn a little about Japanese Music if I were you" Jon laughed. " Are we getting Fukumodo's business?" I asked. " All I want Fukumodo to know is that we are here if he needs us if he, you know sets up anything in LA I want this company to be more Asian friendly if you know what I mean." I was feeling the rumors were becoming true I do not what I was doing but I knew I was going to my office for a little research.

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