Sunday, February 22, 2015

Magical Idol: Chapter Three ... The Wager

 I kind of liked Fukumodo he was just like a tall ugly six foot child watching the game. I remember the child like expressions in glee on his face when we passed by the Magic Johnson statue on the way to the entrance of the Staples Center. The game was loud and fast paced the way I like Basketball. I played a little basketball in High School but did so well in other subjects I had to put it to the side because I did not think I could make a career in Basketball but I loved the game and still today. Fukumodo got an eyeful of the laker girls and  it is something that I knew about any non American from traveling the world is how their men just stare at women especially at our American Women. Now do not get me wrong we Americans stare but if we stared like foreign men do we would be called stalkers or creepy. I have learned the art of staring since I was a child. I could get an eyeful of that booty before she even knew I was staring. Why can't Foreign men learn this? They are just too obvious. Trust me if you want to blend in here in America learn not too stare to leeringly and most of all stop wearing those girly designer jeans it is very un-American.
 Fukumodos yells " They are just like Giants those guys are." I hear him over the roar and cheers of the crowd. I actually enjoy his company I eat my usual popcorn at the center I love popcorn at the movies and games. I could eat popcorn everyday. I wash it down with a Dr. Pepper I am in one of those moods tonight no Diet drinks.
 Fukumodo was a conservative 6'2 thin business man. He was balding at the top and is it not really socially acceptable in Japan for an elder business man to shave his head in Japan. Fukumodo seemed like a happy person but I think it was the California air that he liked the most and the women. The game ends and people start leaving the center "You want to grab something to eat?" He smiles at me. "Sure my company has a nice expense account for dinner lets go" I explained. "What about Drinks?" he asked. "Maybe for you not me I have to work tomorrow" I tell him. "Awwe work grrrrr" he growled jokingly. " All work and no Play make Toru old boy" He laughed as though he had taken a few sips of alcohol already. Our driver pulls up at the station our Limo is about 5 cars down. The night air felt good and I have forgotten about the horrible day today. I was at the end of the day coming out of the Lakers game and into a Limo.
 We get to the restaurant and after a few drinks Fukumodo tells me. "You know business is good". I smiled "Really?" as I take a sip of my usual banana strawberry smoothie. "It is good because I do not use my own money" He laughs. "What is your secret?" I patronize him just a little." Sponsors!".. he pauses and starts talking again "I make these contracts with these girls just to get them to an Idol Pageant and a company pays for their sponsorship meaning all I have to do is find the girls and they the company pays for the rest to get her to the pageant. She loses it's on her not me". The ratings in the television market are high so the company wins." I look for the girl who creates drama or stirs emotions in the audience while you have to struggle with every diva who gives you a hard time and then start all over again when you find her drunk in the gutter or pregnant. The Japanese Idol has to be the Ideal lady for young girls every where. She has to be purged through the fire of the competition until she comes out gold." She is shamed if she fails while you are blamed if your whore cannot deliver, your diva as you call them will blame the patriarchy or you or her father she is forgiven even though all the work you did is wasted all the money you put into her is never appreciated not just once. " "Did I paint the picture correctly?" Fukumodo smiles at me and put his glass down. " You are right but you are also drunk." I laugh. "You need an Idol not not just any Idol you need a Japanese Idol." He points to me as though he was given fatherly advice. "Seriously all women are the same" I pull back my head. " No No No " Fukumodo shakes his hand in my face "Japanese women are different" He continues." We took over the entertainment industry and that is what they follow that is where you American men lost when you let women take over your entertainment industry. Women do not pay attention in school,temple or family they will watch hours of entertainment and if you get hold of the entertainment you can influence the culture." He finishes and sips another drink. I look him in the eye and say" You're Drunk". He laughs. I change the subject I feel the waitress knows we are talking about a delicate subject and I do not want to upset her. I talk about the game we just watched and it gets his conversation away from women and the whole Idol thing he is talking about. I get Fukumodo in the car he is wasted. We sit down and I hand him a bottled water from the fridge in the Limo. " Hydrate yourself you will feel a little better in the morning." I point out. " You know if I traded you one of my contracts for your contracts you know you would be a lot happier?" Fukumodo Jest  "Okay but my client would be mad if you showed up to the door instead of me." I pulled my head back in hopes of reasoning with him. "I know!" Fukumodo sighs"driver stop the Car!" He yells. We stop in front of a street basketball court the light is on and no one is on the court. I know you have seen the court behind the restaurant were a lot of Mexicans play. I am intrigued. "We play the basketball game Horse you win I let you have one of my contracts I win I take one of your contracts . I am thinking okay I know which one you can have. The one that has our company in a financial hole. Do I do things without thinking yes I do. I am thinking now that if I play him in horse he will forget all about this incident in the morning. "Okay your On!" I jump out of the car. " I guess that means HI!" he slowly stumbles out of the car. It is no contest the game last no longer than maybe 15 minutes. I go retrieve Fukumodo who has passed out on the court. I take him to the Limo. The driver and I help him out to the hotel. We make sure he gets safely to his room. Tony our Driver is getting a generous tip tonight. I tell the driver to take me home.

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