Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Five Don'ts For Youtube Dance Cover Artist

 If anyone who has sent me dances to look at know that I will give my positives first then my negatives of the dance you sent me. You know the game of youtube Dance cover artist is political it is about song selection, picking out outfits knowing the right people, that kind of thing and then there is practice and practice and perform but there is a lot of things that are outside of that realm. There are so many dancers and models that I refuse to be around and will not follow because they have ruined my desire of wanting to talk to them or even working with them for that matter because of their lets say etiquette. If you are a good dancer and you want to start to perform more on youtube here are some don'ts for you. If you are a good dancer then you are really doing the dos this is just don'ts I have seen Dancers become Guilty of.

1. Male Bashing

  When I was younger we had the coolest Korean Dance Game at our local movie theater the dancers were mostly young skinny teens and all male. I danced many times with female dancers with the Japanese influenced more DDR games but here this competition at the movie theater was mostly males. I will tell many females about my experience with male dancers and here in the United States the females will act all shocked. It is common to see Japanese and Australian Male dancers but here in the United States it is mostly female dominated and you have to sometime weed through the ones who are legitimate dancers and the ones who want to be pole dancers for a strip club. It is hard to determine if there are female dancers who refuse to work with male dancers or the other way around but I can tell you there are dancers I am afraid to even comment on their videos or talk to because I have seen them rip a hole in a Man just for giving them a compliment. It seems they will then go off on a tangient sometimes on tumblr or facebook on how men are bad or all men just want to fall in love with them. Now that I am older stuff like that kind of slides off of me but the guy her age does not see it that way you might have insulted what could be your biggest fan. There is a time to comment and there is time to be quiet. I am not perfect but I may not be in that position to build a bigger fan base either. Men Fans are just important as the female ones. Just read what men say if it is good say thank you if it is bad just delete it do not respond with how all men are evil because you might end up secluding your fan base.

2. Revealing The Mystery too soon.

 It is only number two and I am already on an important one. If you have only recorded two dances. I do not think it is time to show everyone your interest,your room, your little brother your Mom and Dad and the place you work. Remember why people loved Jaws the Movie was because they did not show the shark at the beginning. You had to stay and finally see the shark. You need to do the same thing. I know many of you are right now going to your fish tank but that is not what I am talking about. People might be liking you because they have a perception of you. The point is you got their attention do not ruin the surprise until you feel you need to for instance when you are losing viewers. A great gimmick would be a dancer who keeps a mask on and dance and tells no one about her Identity. I would love a popular dancer to develop two different Identities and see which one gets more views the Dancer who is open or the dark and mysterious one. The point is if you tell everyone everything there is no need for them to tune in next week. Tell them a little bit by little bit then slowly reveal who you are. I always say leave them wanting More and More.

3. Talking too Much

Oh I know why this is number three now because of number two. I notice my favorite dancers did not talk that much or they will shoot a dance video then maybe after 10 vidoes or so they would talk. When I first started watching Dancers like Danielle,Sarah, Rebekah, or even Julia It was dancing then eventually they started talking. Why? Because people asked them to. I do not remember this hate fest that we had started a couple years ago. I think you young ones need to take a lesson. Dance and eventually talk when you are asked to talk. I think the biggest weakness of dancers is more gossip and less dancing. You are a dancer Dance for goodness sake. Now some of you have become more bloggers and Vloggers good for you but I think we need to get back to the basic of just dancing.

4. Acting Unapproachable

When you reach the level of more subscribers. Your inbox and your Private Messages are going to be full it is not that important to answer them one by one. Eventually you might need help but until then your job has become the job of entertaining. Take a deep breath and look at all them the best you can and remember youtube is very seasonal. In the Summer you might film but you might not get the views right then and there. In the winter the views will mount up and so do the comments so you need to be prepared. The best advice is not to complain in public online. This just adds insult to injury .It might make people who like to comment or ask for help not to comment at all.It makes you sound like the drama queen who complains about having three people who asked her out to the prom while the girl next to you has no one to ask her out is sad and maybe she was looking forward to sending you a comment and making her day would be your reply, now the shy girl is afraid to comment because you told everyone you were too busy. Oh you poor baby you have more comments then you can handle in your life it must be horrible.The best thing is to answer as many as you can and keep your mouth shut on how many you get. The most impressive thing is getting a comment reply from a dancer who has over 1000 comments in one day and even though it might be later when you get that reply. That impresses me. One girl I will not embarrass her would get that. I saw her get 1,000 comments and she would go through and answer them all like a trooper she was maybe that is why she just got back from competing in Japan again

5.Preaching Politics

 Finally we get to the biggest problem with today's modern entertainment. We have secluded different fans and it is a shame. You are new in this business whether you like it or not you are an Entertainer and you are a young one and last thing anyone wants to see is your political or religious views as a 14 year old or even a 12 year old. Do a little growing first.There is nothing wrong with being funny or cynical you want to entertain but think about this, you have a fan base and access to the world that could be of all different colors or religions and spouting out something they do not want to hear is not what they came here for. They came to watch you dance or maybe sing.  I have said if someone ask maybe tell them but if they do not ask do not be so bold that you would tell a diverse group that you wish them to die. That is silly. I have seen this time and time again. Make a few videos get a little taller and when the time comes maybe in an interview in Rolling Stones then maybe say something. In other words develop a large fan base before losing one.

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