Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Should J-pop Dancers and Lolita Fashion Enthusiast boycott Conventions that do not want them?

 I am of course talking about conventions as in Anime and science fiction you know that kind of thing. I remember a young lady telling me she was trying to start a Lolita fashion panel and she was sent the most awful reply as though the conventions did not want anything regarding Lolita fashion at a convention when she arrived she found out they had already a panel they told her that is why they refused the panel which is a better explanation than being rude . I am used to young girls creating drama but this is an older young lady who I would consider a woman in all aspects. I have been there many times having fun filming dancers in the hallways and watching little girls with big curious eyes enjoying the show we were not purposely putting on. I looked at almost 30 or 40 kids surround our girls dancing and thinking why don't they get it? Why cannot they see these kids want this the kids get excited when Anime voice Kiddo puts on a show at Kawa Kon.
                                                                                 It seems like the conventions are selling a Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber to a crowd who like Hatsune Miku and kyary pamyu pamyu. Why is it hard for some cons to get this? These science fiction convention are coming around to be 30 years old which means some of these adults were kids when they went to a Science fiction convention and now they have kids of their own who they liked to share this experience with. I can say that there is no greater experience for a young girl child than to have a mock J-pop idol on stage or a nice J-pop dance panel to teach them a new dance. It is like having a living doll perform or teach you a dance I used to think males were the problems but that is not the case I have actually seen the males more receptive than the older females. I think maybe it could be the competition because the older ones who are looking for boys are jealous of the cute girls it could be I do not know I am not a Psychologist. Now you conventions that have learned this good for you but you conventions that seem to hate the thought that children attend your conventions need to learn that children are numbers just as much as adults. First I am going to talk to Anime and Science Fiction conventions on why cater to the J-pop crowd and Lolita fashion crowd and then I am going to talk J-pop dance cover artist and Lolita fashion enthusiast about what you can do.

Why should we let the J-pop Idol and Lolita fashion people have a place at a convention?

 First of all we know that is hard to put an event like an anime convention and science fiction convention together. If you are one of the ones that was there from the beginning of the popularity of science fiction and Anime conventions you have seen  your numbers when they have grown in the past but have you noticed maybe a decline last year ? It might be that every time you get on the net you see another convention opening in your area you are thinking at the time what the heck can I do to get more people in? I have to recomend J-pop dancers or looking  into the most popular youtube ones and find out how you can get them there or even might try to get a local J-pop group or put on a Lolita Fashion show. Stay ahead of that competition. You bring in the young ladies you bring in the young boys simple as that. They better bring their wallets is what you are thinking. If you have to resort in getting a bigger name start charging a small fee and you might be surprised on who will pay or give that Music Artist a free table to sell stuff. The truth is you are dealing with a new generation of girls who have gone from Hetalia to Attack of the Titans to Elsa in Frozen,. These are young ladies who have never experienced what it was like to wear cute and fluffy dresses and this kind of fascinates them a bit.
 I hear some of you saying but kids cause problems look adults cause problems as well how many drunk men have you kicked out or perverted guys creeping on the sexy bikini clad anime character? You are always going to have problems with any group. You have rules enforce them. If it is an age problem then why not be more acceptive of Lolita fashion enthusiast most of them range over 18 well the ones I know. I know the name is bad but if people knew what Yaoi is they would have a hissy fit I actually seen that get more acceptance than the Lolita Fashion Enthusiast do . If the name is a problem change the name or find alternative ways to have an event either way be creative you will find it might work and you might like it. I know a lot of J-pop dance cover artist would gladly put on shows for young people. You have to remember what might be silly to you might be special to a young person. We do not live in a time of Star Wars, Robot Wars and Sailor Moon , we live in a time of Avatar,Attack Of The Titans and Frozen. The love you shared for Star Wars may be just as important to the Avatar fan. When you went to the convention and they had a local Heavy Metal band do a KISS cover and it was special that is how a young girl might feel watching  J-pop girls do a cover of PON Pon Pon, it is their anthem and they like it.

What could J-pop cover Artist do and lolita Fashion Enthusiast do?

 The first thing is be Thankful every time you open an event schedule at a local con and you see that there is something Lolita or J-pop related or even K-pop for that matter thank them for being acceptive write on their forum write on their facebook page say thank you tell them how some conventions are not so acceptive. When you go to the convention tell the staff there you are thankful they are having an event or panel or even concert. You might be surprised they love the feedback. Remember these are Anime conventions and Science fiction conventions not the J-pop Summit I know don't you wish it was? Then maybe start calling your local parks and recreation and see if maybe you can put on an event outside of the conventions I have seen venue rentals as low as 100$ a day that were big enough to hold concerts and even fashion shows the picture above is a public place you can rent for a day. You might have to be creative and call it a party but do what you have to. Imagine if you could get ten to twenty dancers you could film all day at a public place and maybe grow into bigger events find a local Dancer or Lolita Model and see if they will come as a guest or speaker. It really is not that hard but there are ways of getting things done outside conventions. Of course call local daycare centers and retirement homes and see if you could put on fashions shows or dancing shows. The old people might love the cute and fluffy dresses I know it is not the usual crowd you are used to but you will be surprised how many old ladies love the pictures of Lolita fashion Models. Do not be mad if they turn you down just explain you are an amateur model or dancer and you want to practice your art for free this will help you train better in the future. It is just an idea. It might work and it might not. Day care centers might get a kick of you dressing like a vocaloid and entertaining the kids a bit make cards up and do private parties invest in portable singing equipment.
Peavey has some decent PA speakers at good prices. Next you need to spread the message make DVDs of you performing in your garage or Bedroom or wherever give them to people at Anime conventions and everyone you know. You can get Recordable DVDS for as little as nothing now a days. You must Write your contact Info on The DVD. Finally if you feel that you have been looked over and the conventions are not interested at all in changing do not go to certain conventions that do not accept J-pop dance cover artist or Lolita Fashion Enthusiast and blog about it start marking cons that find what you do as not acceptable and move on blacklist them on your Dance forum blacklist them on your tumbler make it known that this is not a J-pop dance friendly or lolita fashion friendly convention. I have little spurts with some dancers in the past but on this I will join with anyone who is willing to make conventions know that are not willing to change that we are not going to their convention we respect them but this is not a place for us. It is that simple have fun.       


  1. This is an interesting look into a world I know zilch about.

    But I have guesses as to why these weird bans are occurring. First, remember that the USA was founded by Puritans, and puritanism is still alive and well here, in the sense that all fun, particularly kinds of fun that a Decider has never heard of, is suspect. Plus, remember that in general if it ain't directly connected to making money, the USA has no use for it.

    Puritanism would tend to explain the banning of "Lolita" (gasp!) fashions. Money love would tend to explain a desire to get rid of dancing kids so Miley Cyrus, et al., can appear unhampered and generate more money.
