Sunday, June 1, 2014

스마일지 Smile.G - 뚜비두밥 DoBiDoBob Review The Butt Song edition!

Many entertainers have been noticed for many different reasons. You might remember musicians for their instruments they play or style of clothing. I do not know how I would want to be perceived if I was debuting as a group but to me DoBiDOBop will be forever to me remembered as the butt song of Smile. G. We will take a look and closely examined this new group of young ladies who have graced our presence in the K-pop world. I will now give you a review of DoBiDoBop.


 Okay we start off with a nice reverb acoustic snare to get us going. Then we have a na na na vocals to get us going and for padding we repeat the na na na vocals we need this song to be at least 4:00 minutes dang it! This is a jazz swing beat to me mixed with a little rock n roll. It is fast and I am used to the brass presence of AKB48 and in some cases I think about J-pop when I listen to this because it is catchy and fun and there is nothing wrong with this musically. It is better produced musically in my opinion than the last AKB48 song I reviewed. It is a very simple song and it is pop what you expect Bach? Do I like them going back to the jazz feel ? Yes I do . I get tired of electronic music a lot of times my self. Even if the brass or drums are sampled they sound like they were originally recorded quite well. I think they did well in padding out the music so it would last longer with vocals and with jazz sounding electric guitars good job. I could see listening to this song again but hey I like jazz and brass music.


First what is with this thirty second comic book intro? I can understand an intro being tiresome after watching something so many times but I was tired of this Introduction the first time I clicked on it. Okay we are going to have a comic Intro that tells me nothing! I guess the girls origins where they were a gift and we see a tiny picture about the emoticon butts. Okay so we start out so innocent you know the girls act like cheerleaders or whatever the heck they are supposed to be well I am excited now I am into it. Then we focus on the girls butt for about ten second with a little focus on the Emoticons that are covering the butts.I never seen such detail on butts since I do not know Hyuna Bubble pop oh you did not think I was going down that road did ya? I did go down that road and I took you there with me big time. Okay on the Cheer outfits they have numbers on the front I think the numbers and the emoticons are so we can Identify the young ladies. We get a vocal pass off in the verse at least they are not rapping thank you K-pop!. There are some great live shots in the street they remind me of downtown Tokyo or even downtown New York and I like it looks like they have audience participation even if it is not live I bet this group is fun live or are they? Okay listening to the english lyrics Shake it or Move it does not give me the same feeling as I do watching it.When I am Watching the video I feel like I am watching a Dang commercial now! We are back focusing on the butts again or the emoticons I give up at this time. Why because now I realize I must be watching a video to make sure to get my butt examined I guess. Is this a Proctology commercial? You know make sure you get your butt checked out regularly. Now we get creepy we see these guys actually filming the butt emoticons. This kind of creeps me out it reminds me traveling anime and sci fi convention around the states. You always remember the guys who just enjoy filming sexy cosplayers way too much. You know the guys with the phone trying to get all the cleavage and butts they can. Okay after this just more repetitive verse and butt moving.The dance is very energetic and looks fun. Now here is the question now that I need a shower watching this video is it creepy or is it fun? Is it sexy or is it goofy? I really think they were going for a showgirl thing you know innocent and naughty. If you watch the opening of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom you will see something like this of course DoBiDoBop feels naughtier. The video fails because naughty changes all the time. I mean you would have to be real old to remember this type of naughty.I think the whole idea is to get your attention so the next video that Smile.G does comes out with, you will watch it and see where the group will go artistically. The video is already is getting mixed views but people are watching and that is what they wanted. I think they will tone down less on the butt focus on the next video because I already see the hate with the butt focus. We might see the emoticons but with them wearing Sweatsuits I do not know. They have numbers so they might focus more on the numbers we will find out in the next one with Wassup already out taking the sexiness by storm I cannot see the Butt girls of Smile.G staying this way I think they will get more silly but we will see. It is hard I know to be a serious group when you go this way and if I was a singer or dancer I do not know how I would feel about an emoticon posted to my butt and moving it around. 


h~ One! Two! 1, 2, 3, Go!
Come on, Everybody~ Everybody! (Yeah!) And it goes like this!
Why are you so tired, did you have a bad day?
You must be living the same old days without any fun
So we will be right here for you
Don’t think about anything and just play with us (oh shake it)
Worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes and just play with us
Shout out loud and you’ll forget everything
DoBiDoBob DoBiDoBob everyone shake it
DoBiDoBob DoBiDoBob put your hands up
Oh! Shake it! (Shake it!) Oh! Move it! (Move it!)
Let’s dance! Do it again!
Why are you hesitating so much, I’m so frustrated
Don’t pretend to be shy, let’s shake it together
Oh no no no no you’re being self conscious
When are you gonna stop dancing with the shoulders
Don’t think about anything and just play with us (oh shake it)
Worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes and just play with us
Shout out loud and you’ll forget everything
Why are you being so self-conscious
What is in that heart of yours?
Everyone is getting self-conscious because of you
So cover up everything today and let’s play together
When are you stop gonna be so boring?
If you keep this up, you’re gonna be it tonight
DoBiDoBob DoBiDoBob shake it
DoBiDoBob DoBiDoBob move it
Follow me, shout out louder, DoBiDoBob
They want us to Just shake it and play with them that is what Smile. G tells us, This is a rememberable video and it got our attention very simple and what pop is all about. Let me know if you think this video is fun or went too far on the creepy level?

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