Monday, September 3, 2012

When is it Time to Take a Vacation

It is okay to take a Vacation.

We are seeing a lot of dancers take a break and we are seeing some make a return. One thing with youtube your video stays up and it can actually work for you. Even if you are not filming there are comments being made people writing about you on tumbler and sometimes you feel you need to take a break from all this. It is a great idea if you can try to take as many as possible. Remember the more you take the less chance you can build your youtube faithful. At first yes we did this for fun but as conventions and youtube people start asking for more. This almost does not become just a hobby but a job and once you receive that first payment through sponsorship or just being hired as an act. It is a job. The question is now is how do you keep from being burned out? How do you keep that youtube faithful even more faithful? You do not need to be in a bad mood to post or dance you need to be rested.
One rule of thumb I use to tell when I need to take a short break is if any post makes me have any emotional response it is a good sign to turn the phone or computer off and take a walk. Remember there is good reasons to fight back but if there is no harm being done there is no reason to fight back. If someone post their political beliefs that you disagree with there is no reason to get upset if you feel like your hands shaking take a walk then and there. If you are an entertainer entertain do not get your political beliefs mixed up with your entertainment message we are promoting entertainment not our political ideals unless we are a political blogger. I have been at fault just like everyone else and forgetting this but we are not perfect.
There is nothing wrong with reinventing yourself just do not do it when you are on the rise as a celebrity. People do not like change, now if you have a change of heart about where your going then all means change just give your fans a good reason why.
I think one reason we change is we get older and our taste changes but do not criticize people because they still like the things you used to as well.
 A lot of people try to fill the void that they need to fill with love with trying to get attention on the net. If you find love by all means get it. It does not mean you should stop doing what you love doing. I have been in and out relationships or dated but I still love doing this I love chatting with dancers and editing videos and having  a good time. I like the challenge of trying to make a better video. 
The truth is not everyone likes you. I know that is tough to understand but that is the truth. If you get that first hate comment go and post another video do not make a response until necessary let your video be the response it says I am here and your hate comment means nothing. 

I am saddened by the fact that Kozue is graduating from Danceroid but I feel this is when it is a good time for her to leave. She has her reasons and she has given them out and she has said she will post solo and good for her. We see Johanna has returned and that is good and she needed some time away. We see some dancers will never come back because they have become interested in other things well good for them as well. 
So when is it time to quit? When you say it is time. I remember a guy used to tell me he would quit everyday and what he meant is he never took his job home with him. He walked out the door and quit and came home and was done with work. The next morning he re-hired himself and started back to work and a lot of us need to to do the same. Film, post, connect, and quit when we are done. Do not give the stress to other people. When you see the thread of Hate coming in at a fast rate. Immediately turn that computer off and phone and take a deep breathe and take a quick walk, hug your best pet and calm down then turn it back on and only respond when it is necessary. Do not depend on others to help on the net.  Most of the time you will go into the fight alone because you do not know who to trust in the world wide web they all could be out to destroy you that is a little harsh but it's the the truth. If you feel the need, talk to only close friends. If you have problems controlling your emotions maybe you need to seek some wise counsel. The bottom line is do not be afraid to take breaks set aside maybe a day for responding to comments. The other days you need to be practicing and filming and posting and getting your name out there. You guys know the right thing to do so do it and if all else fails Pray and Pray Hard!
Toru Takanuru!

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