Thursday, January 7, 2016

チャオ ベッラ チンクエッティ『一期一会』(Ciao Bella Cinquetti [Live everyday as though it will be the last])

 That's right Ciao Bella Cinquetti from Hello Project, just change your name please, the song Live Everyday as though it will be the last is great and simplistic.


I will be honest I am so used to Hello Project groups just dancing in videos such as Morning Munsume, I have been fine with it there is really nothing that spectacular about this video. I would say however tinting of the video or light balance is good very dark and romantic in visual. There are some great Japanese type recognition in the video when the group is not dancing.
 I will say this yes you need to get my attention when you are not dancing and Ciao Bella Cinquetti does that. I want to talk about the fashion here I like it and I love the short haired girl in this video. I love the Silver and Black they have a sort of Secretaries in space look if there is such a thing just totally great selection in picking the outfits. I really do not see any major symbolism in this video that you need to focus on. I do see when we have breaks we have visuals of slow motion petals falling Japanese's parasols and things like that to remind you this is a Japanese group. In fact the tree in the background is also Japanese symbolic. I know its that Japanese manger ownership feeling maybe a message to others. These young ladies are very experience and you can see that so I am wondering why they did not try some more complicated dance steps just saying but hey the music makes up for the lack of dancing!


 I love the music in this song. I am a metal guy and this comes very close to Heavy Metal and they sing good and there face and forms match the singing .I do not feel like I am hammered with false pretense of just lip syncing girls dancing to music.  They have several slow down parts to sing and they nail it I feel the seriousness of their voices so I really dig this song. They have a nice bridge or Guitar Lick part as well. You can definitely Give me more of this style of music, I just Love it!! I do not feel like the drums or the music was fake and put together from a computer like an Akb48 song. If the girls played their own Instruments that would be even more awesome but I can live with this.


 More than anyone, I could Lean on
  From Now I'm going to walk down This Road
Looking up in the Sky
 Laughing out loud in the stormy cherry blossoms
The flower petals on my cheek, tickled my heart
 Curiosity over Fear being fearless
It was just like a bug Flying into the flame
 I could lean on my friends, we all laughed
From Now I'm going to walk down This Road

 In this heart somewhere, to hold onto pride
I learned that secretly so I'm Okay
 Looking up in the sky
 The red autumn leaves flow down in the river
If there was a rock, they could stop for a while
 for this heart to have definite pride
I learned that secretly so everyone is okay
 I pray for the future
Are encounters the beginning an end?
You float above and then sink below that is what I learned

They are very descriptive in their lyrics they are describing a journey which is life. I get a little confused with over descriptions in these lyrics they did not have to put so much emphasis on what the surroundings of the Journey entails in my opinion they could of put more emphasis on the struggle of the journey, I see that they are just like everyone else they understand that their future is un clear.

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