Monday, May 14, 2012

2 years and what I have learned

1.  Anything That is positive will probably get criticized on the net.
  If you are expected to get praised for being a positive person you're going to get a big surprise because the ban of  the trolls and Internet haters will get together to try to bring you down because they are jealous that they did not have the idea first.
Goal setting is something I have practiced all my life. Some see it as part of steps of positive motivation. If you do not write your goals down you will not have any Idea of where you are going. Goal setting is like writing a list down before you go the the grocery store. Keep your mind filled with positive thoughts do help regardless of what you might think. Garbage in is Garbage out you fill your mind full of worry and doubt and you come out as someone who is full of worry and doubt.
2. Do not get involved.
 I think in most men there is a gentleman inside waiting to get out and express his chivalry and it's not different in the community. My advice would be to stay out of it especially if you do not know the person. I have find that some young ladies like attention and will have a bit of fun with you and will use it against you regardless of how nice of a deed you think you were doing.

3.You cannot Believe everything on the net
  If you get news of someone on the net go to them send them an email, found out for yourself do not take one side of the argument and especially if you do not know the person and they are just acquaintances on the net. There are just too many horrible rumors out there and I go to the person and I actually find out the truth..

4. Do not push Relationships just let things come natural
 I knew when I reached my first anniversary I wanted to go beyond just tribute videos. It took a year
   but I gained enough trust to proceed with collaborations but it was enough to get the go ahead for my collaborations. I think If I acted so anxious I think it would scare anyone. The same goes to Subs let them come naturally as well you will find a better audience and it will give a closer relationship to your subscribers.
 I think a young New dancer will have a hard time to adjust to any change especially when they have a swarm of new subscribers and then they will have a hard time emotionally dealing with the changes. Especially when the Subscribers start cancelling then there is the creep factor. The Creep Factor is where some guys mistake your video for some "booty shaking" site just to think that your some attention whore.When they find out that your not some easy "tart" they will drop there subs as well. Beware of any fast gaining subscriptions, try to keep things as natural as possible.

5. Video Editors are not creepy they just edit film footage.
 That's right when I get Film footage and it is just my job to edit the footage. Apparently some jealous girls find that hot guys like me editing footage is creepy. Editing footage is fun and that is why I do it. Some people like to dance, I like to edit and some girls like to gossip then try to pose as dancers guess what they are gossipers not dancers. I would not get any advice from someone who gossips and does not post their dances online.
 I would get my advice from someone who face the lions den every day.

6. Take care of the Real People in your life not the Internet people.
  I have no desire to know about people I will never meet but I have interest in those people that I will meet. You know those people who I plan to collaborate with. I have a full itinerary of several people and I still am excited. If you think the dancers I have Collaborated with were cute well they are just about to get cuter.
 I will end on a Happy note. The first Thing I will do when I reach my second Anniversary is to take a week off and maybe go enjoy nature a bit.

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