Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ugh do I really want to post this.

 One of the most depressing things to watch is someone's Vlog on how much they are hated or how much problems they are having. Vlogs are great when the problems make the Vlogger interesting and then the problems are gone, the Vlogger does not become interesting.  This is one of those times I really do not want to post I feel I think I do need to post an update to my subscribers. I think I do owe them that much to explain about recent events. It has been a while since I have posted here. It happened in December if I wanted to be more dramatic I would add a cold December day but this has been one of the mildest winters I have experienced.
 The short story of this blog is almost 80 videos that I previously uploaded on youtube had been deleted. All those  links that were leading to the videos were meaningless as well every tumbler site or anime site links was not going to get me views on those videos.
 I did not think twice about it I started the labor to get those videos up and viewable as soon as possible. That was not all, my hard drive on the computer died it needed replacing this kept me from editing for about three weeks. I am glad all these things are behind me and no the world did not come to an end and the one person who reads this will be glad I posted. I have to remember that all the videos I have made are in the past and there are more videos on their way more Yuka-pon and More Holly and more Elena and much more so stay tune.

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