Sunday, August 21, 2011

um this might be stupid of meh. DX but what is flirting exactly and how do you flirt?? @_@

OMG Uh you talked to the right person they call me the KIng of flirting. Flirting is a method you use to get the attention of someone you like,love or attracted to or just to get any attention.Flirting is a good tool to get someone you like the extra boost they need to get them to make the move you want them to It can be very dangerous around people with low self esteem because they can get the wrong message when your in like and they are desperate for any attention. Cyber flirting comes in many forms such as extra poking on face book or buzzing someone to get their attention. Over the years you will learn when the right time to flirt. A good example of bad flirting is when a waitress flirts to get a tip like putting her hand on your shoulder or giving you a free drink , this can be a bad situation for some waitresses and good flirting is when you get feelings for a friend so you might engage in some harmless tickling to see how that person reacts if the reaction is good then you might proceed with a kiss.

Ask me anything

Friday, August 19, 2011

Rate the cuddle factor of the folowing with a 1 to 10 raiting with one being cuddly as a cactus and ten being super warm and cuddly here are the choices. A: Hello Kitty B: Rika LUma or Rirakkuma C: DOmo D: You And E: Me!?

Rate the cuddle factor of the folowing with a 1 to 10 raiting with one being cuddly as a cactus and ten being super warm and cuddly here are the choices. A: Hello KittyB: Rika LUma or Rirakkuma C: DOmo D: You And E: Me!?

Answer here

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Is Friendship the best Love?

"Your My favorite"
When I was younger I had a friend who moved away when I was about six or seven I really cannot remember, I know it really hurt and of course as a child you really do not know how you are suppose to feel. I should of kept in touch but at that young of age you really do not know how to stay in touch your brain has not developed to figure that you can stay in touch without seeing someone. You pretty much think "well out of sight out of mind." The truth is these people that you care about will never leave your mind especially if they have impacted your life. The truth is no matter what you score on your SAT's or how high your IQ is you are capable of falling in Love. Einstein said Love is a better teacher than duty. Even Charles Darwin fell in LOve and one of the first persons he showed his works to was His Darling wife.Darwin in fact never tried to really disprove The existence of an higher power but saw  evolution as a way of maybe describing how creation came to be.
 There are many ways to connect in Love and one way is a mental connection , you know when dudes go to  a football game and take their shirts off and root for the team or how girls dress like vocoloids and go to Macdonalds to eat, this is one of the best connections. Another connection is a physical connection this is the connection that causes men to act like animals and women to get all Squishy inside I mean go figure. Many believe this is probably our first opening to communication like it or not but that is how it works.
 Then there is a love that no one can describe that scientist wish they could describe. They are so frustrated with the opposite sex that they try to deny it's existence yes they act like teenagers just because they cannot control or figure out their emotions. It makes a man propose to a woman in front of thousands it makes a Mother lay her life down for her child, it makes a soldier go to a foreign land for his country you cannot kill it, it makes a songwriter write thousands of songs it is a thing called love. I was a teenager once and I remember saying that juvenile statement of "I do not Believe In LOve" but you cannot deny its existence. Denying the power of love is like looking at a totally destroyed town by an earth quake and say I do not believe in earthquakes. You do not see a earthquake you see the the ground rumble when the plates shifts below the earth. You do not actually see the plates actually shift but you cannot deny the fact that the Ground is shifting below I mean cmon. I see the effects of the wind but I cannot see the wind I do not see Gravity but I see the effects of gravity.  I could go on and on about cells and other particles that you will never see probably in your life time. The truth is to just accept one of the greatest gifts ever given to mankind which is love. When you choose to love you see the effects of love are greater then anything you will ever see you get hugs,kisses, unselfishness,gifts, grace,compassion,sympathy, and most of all Orgasms; awesomeness! These are merely just products that you can receive from being in love so just try it you might like it it won't be easy I mean love is an uphill battle but it is worth the Trial that you go though! and BTW Happy Anniversary MOM and DAD!