Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Help Me My Daughter listens To Asian Music

by Sean Bartlett
I Guess you have noticed your daughter or someone's else's daughter listening to the grooves of Girl’s Generation or maybe you have danced the Gangham Style. Then are those who know the words to the chorus of Pon Pon Pon By Kyary. That’s right your daughter has been infected by the Asian Music bug. Oh no its not a bad thing and I will show you by debunking some of the arguments against Asian music.

1.  J-pop is Creepy !
First of all I have to ask why do you think J-pop is creepy. They will point to groups like AKB48 and say look at all those girls pandering to Asian men. Akb48 was started for the Gaming community which I guess is around 12 year old to 30 year old boys and men But get this if One of those girls actually have relations with a man they are fired can you imagine the Drunk pop star who sleeps with a Under wear Model have the same rule they would not last too long in Akb48. Being an Idol is hard work it takes training and it takes Discipline something most American women know nothing about before the Idol Graduates from the Group they have to stay Sober, Clean and Virgins and people think this is creepy. If a Manager said to me well we want your daughter in our group but she must be sober clean and a virgin I would be like sign her up! It would be like sending my daughter to catholic school and do not tell me men do not fantasize about the Catholic School girl but No one says I am not sending my girl To Catholic School Because its creepy. Don’t tell me That men are not thinking about giving Miley a sledgehammer. When did girls in a fluffy dress become creepy and Girls Naked swinging on a wrecking ball and Twerking with 30 plus man not creepy?
2. J-pop Idols are so young
yes they are but some range from 12 year old 40 years old. We live in an exciting time in the J-pop world we have now have the J-pop star which have broke the old Idol barriers down into a star one where creativity can be pursued like Kyary came mocking the ways of the old Idol now imagine a cute Lady Gaga and you have Kyary.

Now lets go back in time and realize where the whole Idol persona came from. Well it came from the USA. When producers could make money off of Short Playing disk Called 45’s . So in the early days of Motown Young girls could sing different songs with one band. These girls would be as young as 13 years old! I do not know much about the Motown era at the time but I do know little more about the Nashville early Opry Idols lets call them that. They were not going to be outdone so many like Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette and Loretta Lynn who by the way  was married at age 15 were geared to sell music to Older men. let me explain. Coal Miners Daughter was played in -`Honky Tonks across the nation filled with drunk men. They were obviously enticed by the voices of the young girls and would go out by the records. Now lets skip to the 70’s when Japan has a booming economy and Businessmen are stressed so they get drunk and playing at the Local Karaoke bar is a tune to relieve that stress. Do you understand where I am going with this?

3.Asian Music is not creative.

This is totally Bogus. Lady Gaga has been accused of Plagiarizing and one of the groups she has been accused of Plagiarizing was Girl’s Generation. Girl’s Generation have almost become one of the Most famous Girls’ Groups of Asian Music they have Crossed over to Japan and probably have become the Most Americanized group as well and Don’t forget who won Video of THe year on Youtube Not Taylor Swift not Beyonce Kanye but Girl’s Generation. So stick that in your Microphone and smoke it.  One group 2ne1 should have been the crossed over group if you listen to their song “Fire” the recording of the drums is spectacular you can actually hear and feel the air being pushed and this is from someone who has been recording music for about 20 years. On the J-pop side you have such creative little videos  from the cute little Idol groups like Momoiro clover z who videos are so unique in the way they tell a story they totally capture the Anime culture and sci fi that is today and if I was a young girl I can see me being captivated by the hypnotic look. Which makes us come to why your Daughter likes J-pop and K-pop.

4. It’s cute
I do not know how else to describe this but when your daughter was say three or four she probably picked the cutest doll in the world not the ugly one. If your Daughter had the choice between the Kyary doll or the Miley tattoo wearing doll she will pick the Kyary doll almost every time. We live in a cynical and ugly time so when they see the cute and kind Idol it is rare and it is special. I can go down the street  and find ugly and mean girls but it is hard find someone who is pretty ,cute and respectful to others which just impresses a young lady who does not see that anymore!
5. Its a new culture
We tell our kids to expand their mind some of these young ladies learn Japanese and Korean through this music so it is not just fun for many its educational it is a way to experience another culture while most American Pop destroys the English language.
6. The modern American Pop has become Stagnant there has not been anything in our Music to really get excited about since Nirvana and I am not a Nirvana fan but you could see the Music start changing . You could see kids getting excited. The Hip Hop has not changed for 20 years it still the same crap where you see a Boisterous egotistical maniac rapping to a Eighties sample. If girls today want to listen to men acting like teenage boys they would just go out with the boys in school. You can only sample Hall and Oates for so long before people really get tired and on the other side the female pop stars just want to see how fast before they are singing completely naked on stage I cannot name or sing one of the songs except Lady gaga and I know that from Watching South park. The J-pop has girl groups Like Baby Metal They Combine the heavy Metal of the Past and The Fluffy J-pop Idol No sampling here to Led Zepplin here just plain ole metal matched with cuteness and in their latest tour they will be paying tribute to one of the best Metal Bands of All Time Metallica.
7. too many Fan Girls act Like Asians
This one of the most racist statements I have ever heard but lets play to your Stereotype Imagery for one moment. Here is a Stereotype Asian are good at Math well how is that a Bad thing. They are Respect to the elders yes many in the Asian Culture where taught this. So lets say this is your Stereotype of the Asian Culture. I want to know how this is the Bad thing? For my daughter to be good at Math or Respectful to their elders of Be a punching bag for Chris Brown. I will take acting like The StereoTypical Asian for 1000$ Alex so think about it for the Moment and turn on the radio then you can tell me why your Daughter listens to Asian Music. You know What I love it. I think I will call my Friend in Korea And see if he Needs some help.
Thanks Guys Peace and play it safe